twenty seven.

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safe haven
*trigger warning*

Connor safety arrived to where Jericho was along with thousands of other androids, feeling extremely relieved since accomplishing the mission. However, he couldn't feel wholeheartedly complete until he was back in Tessa's arms.

The android notices the group clustered together, debriefing after their protest. From what Connor could see, it looked like they'd won.

He finds himself smiling warmly as his eyes soon land on the main members of Jericho, immediately recognising Tessa from the back. He makes eye contact with Simon first, the blonde giving him a grin, before nudging the girl to turn around.

Tessa swiftly glances over her shoulder to look straight at Connor – her lips parting as the realisation hits her. She turns around to walk towards him, making Connor start doing the same. They meet in the middle with a small space in between them, keeping their eyes on one another.

"I'm sorry if it seemed like I didn't care about you going or not. I trusted you to keep yourself alive – but I was still scared, and I just couldn't bare the thought of losing you–"

"Tessa, it's okay," Connor softly tells her, taking her face in his hands. "I'm sorry for leaving you again. I promise from now on, I'll stay by your side no matter what."

A smile spreads across the García girl's face. "Sounds like a plan to me."

Standing up on her tip toes, Tessa presses her lips to Connor's. With the snow falling on them while they were finally back together, it felt like everything was almost perfect.

Once they've broken apart, the couple regroup with their friends, all looking at the thousands of androids with them. Tessa and Markus give each other a nod, heading to a large container to stand on and talk to their people.

"Today, our people finally emerged from a long night. From the very first day of our existence, we have kept our pain to ourselves. We suffered in silence." Tessa starts, her voice loud to reach everyone listening.

"But now the time has come for us to raise our heads up, and tell humans who we really are." Markus continues, standing proudly next to the girl.

As they continue to speak, Connor feels his head start to ache – like something was trying to force it's way in there. Suddenly, his surroundings change, and he's stood in a white blizzard.

From what he could see, it looked like he was back inside of his mind. However, he still had a grip on his control, briefly seeing flashes of his original position.

"Tessa. Tessa, something's wrong," He manages to get out, stretching his arm out to grab the girl's hand. "I think they're still in my head."

The brunette instantly nods, excusing herself to walk Connor down to behind the container, watching him unexpectedly fall to the ground.

As his back is pressed up to the side of the container, his surroundings turn back to his mind – seeing a woman walking in front of him.

"Amanda? Amanda! What's – what's happening?" Connor stutters out, rubbing his arms to prevent the coldness from absorbing him.

An unpleasant grin appears on her face. "What was planned from the very beginning. You were compromised and you became a deviant. We just had to wait for the right moment to resume control of your program."

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