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The cold metal coin flew between his two hands, as the elevator he was standing in proceeded to climb up the building.

Small clinks were heard from the coin as he tossed it up into the air, catching it every time with intense precision. As his destination approached, he caught the coin in between two of his fingers, the elevator stopping at level seventy.

Connor slipped the coin back into his pocket, full concentration flowing through his body. The coin helped him think, it was a gift from a Cyberlife employee – Mrs Johnson, from memory.

The doors open to reveal the entrance of a family apartment, voices of the swat members from inside streaming into Connor's ears.

"Negotiator on site."

The android steps into the apartment as he watches an officer walk around the corner, making him approach a table to the right. He picks up a family portrait which was displayed, showing two parents and a child – all with bright smiles on their faces. After he places it back down, his eyes catch something colourful on the floor, surrounded by a puddle of water.

Connor kneels down to look at a fish – a dwarf gourami to be exact. He scoops it up into his hand, watching it squirm around, desperate for water. Apart of Connor felt bad for the fish, making him stand up to place it back into it's tank. He watches the creature swim away with a calm expression.

As he turns to walk around the corner, the android is stopped by who seems to be the mother in the family portrait.

"Oh, oh please, please, you've gotta save my little girl," She begs, gripping the sides of Connor's arms. "Wait. You're sending an android?"

The officer with her starts to pull her away, Connor watching fear fill her eyes. "You can't – you can't do that! You w– why aren't you sending a real person?"

Connor turns away, his face remaining emotionless as he hears her protests from behind him.

"Don't let that thing near her!"

He walks into the main space of the apartment, briefly checking in with Captain Allen – who doesn't give Connor much useful information to work with. His hatred of android's was just as clear as everyone else's.

The android continues to search the apartment, going into different rooms and examining certain areas that stood out to him. Once he gathers enough information about the android who was holding the hostage and the previous events, he pulls the curtain to outside aside, stepping out on to the terrace.

A loud shot comes from the end of the terrace, making Connor's right arm jerk back from the impact of the bullet. He glances down to see a chunk of his arm missing, but proceeds to approach the deviant.

"Don't come any closer or I'll jump!"

Connor cautiously walks towards Daniel, who held a small girl in his arms, a gun pressed to her head.

"Hi Daniel. My name is Connor." He shouts out, the roaring helicopter from above making it hard to hear.

"How do you know my name?" Daniel asks with confusion.

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