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catch up

The next five days consisted of Tessa spending as much time as she could with her father, while catching up with her brother as their mother lurked in the background.

When it was time to leave, the girl was surprised as she felt relief when she found herself outside of the academy on the Sunday night. She was greeted by Caption Johnson, who had a calm smile on his face.

"Good to have you back, García," He says, helping her with her bags. "I assume you've stayed on track with your fitness over the past week?"

"Yes, sir." Tessa replies, giving him a firm nod. Running through her neighbourhood at six in the morning became the girl's down time – rather than an absolute burden.

Walking down the hallway to her room, the girl felt a wave of nostalgia wash through her body. Even though it had only been a week – it felt like she hadn't been here in forever.

The nostalgia is quickly replaced by excitement after she walks around the corner to see Peter waiting at her door.

"Peter!" She exclaims, pulling her suitcase up on it's feet to run towards the boy.

"Tessa!" A bright smile appears on his face, as the pair run into a hug, engulfed by chuckles and relief.

Their captain waits behind them for a moment, letting them reunite before dismissing the other recruit.

"Mr Blake, it's past your curfew. I suggest you head back to your room to let Miss García do the same."

After Tessa waves her friend goodbye, Captain Johnson does the same to her before he disappears down the hall.

The girl grabs her suitcase before heading into her room. It takes her a few minutes to unpack her belongings, making the room feel as nothing had changed since the last time she was there. Her eyes grow heavy as she glances at the time, seeing that midnight was approaching.

Once changed into her pyjamas, she slips into bed to get her much needed sleep. But before she switches off the light, she notices a folded up piece of paper on the ground near the door.

Tessa looks at the paper with confusion, wondering where it came from. She climbs out of bed to inspect it, picking it up before unfolding it.

Her face flushes with warmth, paired with a wide smile as she reads the perfectly written words on the paper.

I look forward to your arrival back to the academy. I hope all is well with your family and yourself. I have been keeping you in my thoughts this past week.
P.S. Good luck for your test tomorrow.

Unfortunately for the García girl, she wasn't able to properly reunite with her friends right away.

She left her room for breakfast, her heart bursting with excitement, until she was stopped by Captain Johnson.

"Miss García," He greets her, holding a brown paper bag, which he passes to the girl. "I've got your breakfast to have before your test. We've got to do this as soon as possible, so if you'll follow me to the examination room?"

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