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Tessa, like most normal humans, hated hospitals. The smell spread throughout the entire area, with deteriorating people walking down the halls, and others lying on their death beds.

As her family and herself entered the building, she could tell they felt the same way.

Tessa's younger brother, Noah, grasped on to his sister's hand tightly as they approached the ward their father was in. The twelve year old usually wasn't an affectionate person, but in his vulnerable state, he didn't want anything more than a hug from his sister. Their mother walked next to them quietly, her face emotionless.

The García girl wraps her arm around her brother's shoulders as they arrive at the doorway of their father's room. Their mother walks up to him as he lies on the bed, giving him a light kiss on his forehead.

He looked much paler than the last time she'd seen him, but his eyes were still alert as he spotted his daughter in front of him.

A wide smile stretches across his face. "Tessa."

Her mother takes her brother by the hand, leading him out of the room with her as the brunette walks up to sit next to her father.

"Hey, dad." Her voice comes out weak, folding her hands around his.

"How's your training going?"

Tessa smiles as she thinks back to the time where she had never seen her father look so proud – when she told him she was going to become a police officer.

"Good," She briefly replies. "But more importantly, how are you?"

"I've been better. You know, I've still got a few months left – so you can wipe them tears away. You can't get rid of me that easily." He chuckles, making the girl realise she was already crying.

Brushing the tears away, she lightly laughs herself. "I can move back here. Stay with you."

Her father shakes his head, making her smile drop. "No. No, you're completing your training. If you don't finish it now, you never will."

Apart of Tessa knew he was right. If she continued in a year, she wouldn't have as much motivation. And this time next year, she would most likely be grieving over him.

"Fine. But I'm staying for the week, and I'll come during Christmas break."

"That's my girl." He says with a smile.

The two continue to talk for the next half an hour, discussing the recent deviant attacks and what she's missed out on while being away. Just as Tessa's about to get her mother, her father asks a question that keeps her still.

"So that android saved your life, huh?"

Tessa's cheeks burn as she glances down at their hands. "Uh, yeah. He did."

Her father looks at her with a curious look, almost being able to read her thoughts.

"Well, I wish I could thank him in person." He replies, making the girl look up with confusion.

"You said–"

"So did you." He cuts her off, grinning.

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