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the broken heart

The next three weeks consisted of conflicting emotions and a strain within Tessa's relationship with her squad's android.

The day after she got back he started acting extremely distant with the girl and her friend, only following around Captain Johnson. And even he was confused as to why Connor had changed.

Tessa and Peter consistently tried to get through to the android, but he didn't let them talk for more than a few moments. Until a Sunday night approached, where the García girl felt that enough was enough.

The late November snow had settled in all throughout Detroit, covering everything outside at the academy. Tessa was dressed in full warm clothes, with a large red scarf wrapped around her neck. It was late, the tall lights shining down on the snow from above, making the snow sparkle as she walked beside it.

Her cheeks were pink from being outside, as she made her way to the dorms from the common area. All she could think of was getting into her warm bed and snuggling down into a deep slumber – until she spotted a familiar glowing blue band coming towards her.

Thinking he would stop for her, the girl slows down her pace as Connor gets closer, seeming to be occupied with a task. As she realises he isn't stopping, she steps out in front of him to make him halt in his tracks.

"Excuse me–"

"I need to talk to you."

Connor looks at the girl for a moment before replying. "Sorry, Miss García, but I'm afraid I'm not currently available for questioning."

"Oh cut the crap, Connor. Whatever the hell they did to you, just fucking cut it," Tessa tells him with her fists clenched. "If they think that it's more 'convenient' to have you like this stone cold machine you are – then tell them I think it's bullshit."

He continues to look at her with a blank face, not having a reply.

"You were my friend – our friend. We made you smile, made you laugh. You were there for us just as much as we were there for you. Connor, don't you remember how you saved my life?" She says, reaching down to slip her hands into his.

"Of course I do."

"So why has this happened? You've been treating me like a stranger," Tessa breaths out. "I know how you feel – or felt about me, Connor."

The only response she gets is the slight flicker of his LED.

"Please. I need my friend back."

His LED stops as he pulls his hands away from hers. "My apologies, Miss García, but I am just an android. Now if you'll excuse me–"

"God, fuck Cyberlife. I know you assholes are listening! Why even make him a nice, loving being in the first place? Huh?"


"There's no point, is there?" She lets out a defeated sigh, her eyes starting to glisten. "Okay. Goodbye, Connor."

"I thought–"


Monday afternoon came around a lot quicker than Tessa had expected – already on her way to a training session on the academy's range.

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