twenty four.

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the key to everything

Connor sat on the edge of Hank's desk in frustration. They'd just been told that the investigation on deviants has been taken over by the FBI – meaning that Connor would soon be taken away.

The pair sit in silence for a few moments, processing the new information before the Lieutenant speaks up. "So you're going back to Cyberlife?"

"I have no choice," Connor replies in defeat. "I'll be deactivated and analysed to find out why I failed."

"I think we both know why you failed, Connor."

The android glances up at his friend, a lump forming in his throat, as he thinks of his past lover. The truth was, Connor wasn't upset because he failed his mission. He was upset because he never got to talk to the girl in his memories.

"You can't give up on her. If you really do remember your time with her, then you should know that she's worth the risks you'll have to take." Hank tells him in a hushed voice.

"I do, but Cyberlife can track my every moment. The minute I find her – so will they." He informs the Lieutenant, a frown appearing on his face.

Hank shakes his head, determined to help the android. Connor notices him spotting someone from across the room, soon calling them over.

He looks over his shoulder to see Peter rushing towards them, wearing a stressed expression.

"Lieutenant Anderson, Connor – I've been meaning to talk to yo–"

"I know what you can do, kid," Hank cuts him off. "You can hack into Connor's program, right?"

The Blake boy nods furiously, instantly pulling his tablet out. "Of course. What do you need me to do?"

"Turn of his tracker, gps – whatever it is. He needs to find Tessa." The Lieutenant tells him, familiar with his niece's friendship with the officer.

"On it. We should probably go somewhere more private."

Connor agrees, making the trio set off down the hall to one of the storage rooms. Once they make it, Peter starts his job immediately.

"I'm gonna have to deactivate you for a moment while I do this." Peter tells the android, earning a nod of confirmation.

His surroundings turn black for a second, before they suddenly return to Hank and Peter sitting in front of him. The officer gives him a thumbs up, making Connor sit up quickly.

"You're officially untraceable to Cyberlife. Tessa's at Jericho – I've put the location to it into your program with a protective shield around it, so they shouldn't be able to access it. Here's some clothes to disguise yourself."

Connor thanks Peter while receiving the clothes, putting them on as fast as he possibly could, before he gives his final farewell to his friends.

"Thank you to the both of you. I've really appreciated your help," He tells them with a smile. "I hope to see you soon."

"Good luck, Connor. Keep yourself and my niece safe." Hank says, patting him on the back.

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