twenty three.

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"I have a bad feeling, Lieutenant. We shouldn't of come here."

Connor wasn't lying – as soon as Hank and himself walked up to the front door of Elijah Kamski's isolated house, he felt uneasy. Hank wanted to ask him a few questions about deviants, since he was the creator of androids themselves. However, Connor soon wished that he stayed behind.

"Bad feeling, huh?" Hank repeats, approaching the front door to ring the bell. "Should get your program checked – might be a glitch."

The comment made Connor shiver. It wasn't the first time that he thought of the possibility. Ever since he first saw Tessa, his program seemed different. Like it wasn't his original program.

After waiting for a few moments, a blonde girl opens the door – her blue LED glowing. Hank quickly introduces himself, allowing the girl to let the pair inside.

"I'll let Elijah know you're here. But please, make yourself comfortable."

The android walks out of the room, leaving Connor and Hank alone. The Lieutenant takes a seat on a nearby chair, as Connor walks around the room to observe it.

From the interior design of the house, it was obvious that Kamski was a wealthy man from his creations. The thought of meeting him made Connor feel slightly nervous and uncertain of what himself and his partner were going to discover.

After engaging in some small talk with Hank, the blonde girl soon comes back and ushers them into the next room.

The room contains a large red swimming pool in the centre of it, the back wall filled with glass windows which displayed the iced lake outside. Connor spots Kamski swimming in the pool, finishing his laps before he joined the Lieutenant and his android.

Once he's out, the man faces the pair, after slipping on a black robe. He observes the two, making Connor's nerves increase.

"I'm Lieutenant Anderson. This is Connor." Hank speaks up, introducing them.

"We need to understand how androids become deviants. Do you know anything that could help us?" The android asks.

"I thought that you'd know more than me, Connor. Especially since you've experienced it yourself," Kamski steps towards him, as Connor's heartbeat rises. "Unless you don't contain the memories of your past model. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they wiped it – they wouldn't want there to be a reoccurrence."

"What do you mean a reoccurrence?"

"Last year you were put into the Detroit police academy to test out your model. They mainly wanted to see how you'd respond when working with others – although, they weren't expecting you becoming emotionally involved with a recruit. Does the name, Tessa García, ring any bells?" He explains, causing Hank to intercept.

"How the hell do you know about her?" The Lieutenant defensively questions him.

Kamski lets out a light chuckle. "I may not be working with Cyberlife anymore, Lieutenant, but I still know about everything that happens within the corporation. Like how your niece was their secret experiment, and passed on her deviancy to Connor. Their journey was impressive – and to think that they actually almost made it out alive."

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