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familiar faces

Connor found himself on the front porch of Hank's house late at night, a layer of rain settling over the neighbourhood.

After multiple attempts to get the Lieutenant to answer the door, the android gives up and tries to find another way into the house. Walking around the side of the house, he finds the kitchen window and looks through – spotting Hank unconscious on the ground.

"Lieutenant Anderson?"

With no luck in waking him, Connor results to having no other choice but to break the window. He raises his elbow and sends it into the glass with full force, making it shatter instantly.

Stepping back a bit, the android rushes towards the broken window and pulls himself in, landing on his back. He scrambles to sit up, finding Hank's dog, Sumo, in his face.

"Easy! Sumo... I'm your friend, see?" Connor nervously tells the dog, giving him a quick smile. "I know your name, I'm here to save your owner."

The dog tilts his head at the android, but soon accepts his presence and returns back to his bed.

Connor gets to his feet and walks over to the Lieutenant, examining his state. He was extremely drunk, with a bottle of scotch whiskey and a revolver to his side.

"Lieutenant?" Connor softly asks him, giving him a light pat on the face. "Wake up, Lieutenant!"

Hank stirs and grumbles, starting to wake up from his ethylic coma. The android raises his hand high to hit the drunken man's face, making him fully wake up in stress.

"It's me, Connor!" He exclaims, starting to pull Hank up from the ground.

"Hey! Leave me alone, you fuckin' android."

Despite his shouts and protests, Connor manages to drag him into the bathroom, pushing him into the bathtub to shower him in cold water.

"Turn it off! Turn it off!" Hank yells, making the android quickly stop the water. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"A homicide was reported forty three minutes ago. I couldn't find you at Jimmy's bar, so I came to see if you were at home." Connor tells him.

Hank continues to harass the android, telling him to leave countless amounts of times. Eventually, Connor can't help but tease the Lieutenant before going to leave.

"I understand. It probably wasn't interesting anyway – a man found dead in a sex club downtown. Guess they'll have to solve the case without us."

The android stops as he hears Hank's voice from behind him. "You know, probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air."

A small smirk appears on Connor's face, ever so slightly impressed with himself.

"There's some clothes in the bedroom there." Hank tells him, pointing towards the door.

"I'll go get them."

The android makes his way to the bedroom, approaching the closet to fetch the Lieutenant's clothes. Once he retrieves them, he walks back into the bathroom to find the human hugging the toilet.

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