Chapter 1 Since That Day

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Firkle's p.o.v.

Uh, hi? I'm Firkle, yes that's my real name and no you don't get to know my last name. Now let me tell you about my life... oh wait, I don't have one. But if you must know some things about me I'm a goth. Not an Emo! Or a Vampire! Those are posers! They're worst than any conformist.

I'm 15 and a sophomore at South Park High School. That school sucks, it's crawling with conformist and posers. I'm the only goth now since my goth group is in college and have jobs but I still get to see them. Sometimes they even take me to school since it's on the way to their campus but when they don't drive me I'm stuck sitting on a bus full of conformist in the back. They're all doing fine, even Michael and Pete got together. Since I'm a loner I'm also an easy target on the bus and at school. I don't even bother to make friends with the lame conformist humans, they're all dumb and not worth my time.

Yes the bullying sucks but I'm not some emo that will cut myself for it, I just ignore it and when the time comes I'll burn down the school along with the kids and teachers I trap inside. It's not dark, it's normal... to me at least. Now that I think about it I think I was acquainted with someone in kindergarten? They use to text me on Twitter. Who was it again?


Third Person p.o.v.

Firkle was 5 years old and in his old kindergarten room. School had just ended and he was leaving till he was pushed by some bully. He fell and face planted on the floor, everyone laughed while walking out the classroom. He was about to get up when a hand stretched out in front of him. He looked up and saw the only Canadian boy in the whole school. "What am I suppose to do with that?" Firkle asked looking at Ike's hand with annoyance. "Just grab it and see what happens." Firkle, not fully trusting the canadian boy, grabs his hand. Ike then pull up the goth boy off the ground and onto his feet, surprising the goth boy. "Uh... ok, thanks I guess." Firkle said awkwardly. "No problem, Filmore is such a pain." Ike says. Firkle nods and walks towards the classroom door to leave. Before exiting he hears Ike yell "bye!" To him, he doesn't bother to say bye back.

Later that evening at home Firkle gets a text from someone other than his goth friends on his Twitter account. It's rare for anyone to just text him out of the blue so he checks out who it was. Coincidentally, it was Ike.

@IkeBroflovskii- Hey! It's Ike from school. I just wanted to see if you were alright.

How the hell did he find my Twitter? Why does he even want to see if I'm alright? I'm not some emo, I can take care of myself. Firkle thought to himself. Firkle thought about it for a second before texting Ike back.

@FKindergoth- yeah I'm alright, I'm not some emo. Why are you even texting me conformist?

@IkeBroflovskii- because I wanted to make sure you were fine but I should've known that you can handle yourself very well.

@FKindergoth- yeah I can. You don't have to text me anymore now.

@IkeBroflovskii- why not?

@FKindergoth- because I know you're just being nice and doing this against your will. You don't really want to talk to me.

@IkeBroflovskii- and if I do?

@FKindergoth- then you're one stubborn and weird conformist.

@IkeBroflovskii- I guess that counts for both of us. But instead you're a goth, not a conformist. :)

Firkle felt a small grin pull at his face as he read Ike's last text. He immediately frowns again and continues to text Ike. This continued until they had to leave to fall to sleep for school the next day.

~~~Flashback over~~~

Firkle's p.o.v.

Ike Broflovski! That's who! Since that day Ike would always text me after school. We never really talk in school, we only text which is less awkward for me. But recently he hasn't texted me once in almost two months. It's late September now and it bothers me for some reason, I don't know why. Maybe he got bored of me, it has been 10 years so of course he'd be bored of me. I shouldn't let something as stupid as this get to me, he's just a conformist anyways. Now if you don't mind I have to get to class. If I get caught skipping class my mom will take away my cigarettes again. Conformist bitch.

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