Chapter 4 Goth Group

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Firkle's p.o.v.

I couldn't get that song out of my head. All day it's all I could listen to and every time I listened to the music all I could think of is Ike. The song reminded me of him and it bugged me by how a conformist could be doing this to a goth like me. It's so unlike me to be acting all flustered whenever I think about the canadian conformist. This isn't how a goth is suppose to act like Firkle! I yelled at myself in my mind. All day I skipped most of my classes and did my best to avoid Ike while listening to that stupid song. The lyrics are basically burned into the back of my brain at this point. As I was leaving my last class of the day, which was art, all I thought about was how annoying the conformist in my class were.

'God I can't stand school... I don't even know why I even go... I hate everyone here... they're all a bunch of lame ignorant teenagers... I can't wait to go home...' I thought to myself.

'I don't even know why I put up with this shit... I should just burn the school down, with everyone in it...' As I thought of different ways how to burn the school down along with all the students and tried not to get caught, I felt the presence of someone next to me. I turned my head to see who was walking by me I saw Ike who waved and said "Hey!~" to me. He then walked off and after two seconds I felt something wrong with my face. I placed my hand on my lips and felt that I was smiling.

'Did I just smiled at that douche bag?' I thought to myself as my smile immediately turned into a frown and my face instantly turning red by what I ha just done. It shocked me so much that I stopped in my tracks.

I grabbed at my hair in frustration. 'That was stupid!!!!.... You don't go around smiling at conformists Firkle! That's not very goth of you! Especially THAT ONE... NOW YOU CAN NEVER TAKE THAT BACK. I suppose jumping off a bridge is the only way out of this mess my mind has tormented me to have...' Though jumping off a bridge would seem nice I'd immediately be thought of as an emo if anyone had saw or discovered my body.

'You don't like him. You don't like him. You don't like him.' My mind kept repeating as I continued my walk to Henrietta's house where the goths and I were suppose to meet like always. I entered Henrietta house like always and headed to her room where everyone was. Michael and Pete were just talking while Henrietta was on her phone, all of them smoking. I then walk over to the side of Henrietta's bed and pull out my cigarettes, lighter and ash tray from my backpack. I start smoking immediately after after a few minutes and stayed silent the whole time. All I could think of was that dumb ass colors song and the event with Ike. I blanked out till I heard someone calling my name.

"Firkle!" I heard all three of the goths yell my name. My head instantly snaps up to see all thee of them looking straight at me.

"Yeah?" I asked annoyed.

"Firkle we asked you a question. Are you feeling ok?" Henrietta ask me a dumb ass question that I hated being asked.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine..." I say and go back to smoking my cigarette that was halfway done.

"Firkle really, what's wrong?" Michael asked me.

"It's nothing..." I said trying to put the conversation off but they won't give up. What they did next surprised me. Henrietta pulled the cigarette from my hand and placed it on my ash tray as Michael grabbed me and set me down on his lap as we both sat on the bed.

"Tell us what's wrong kiddo... do we have to punch someone in the face for you? You're being so quiet." Michael asked me. Henrietta and Pete huddled around me. Honestly I don't want to talk about the situation to them because I don't know how they'd react. I stay silent as they continue to ask me the same question. Finally I give in, they're probably gonna find out anyways so might as well.

"I... I like someone..." I say in a low tone but loud enough for everyone to hear me. Henrietta snickers. "You're acting like this because of a crush?" She laughed, Michael kept a straight face while Pete tried not to stifle a laugh. "S-Shut up!" I yelled feeling embarrassed. Am I really acting like this because of a stupid crush? "Who is it?" Michael asked looking down at me. I didn't want to say but yet my mouth opened once again. "Ike Broflovski..." I said and they were shocked. "How cute, you're gay for a canadian." Henrietta said smiling to me. I felt myself wanting to growl at her for not using his name. "Wait, you're gay?" Pete questioned. "I don't know. There wasn't any girl who I ever liked and I don't really like any other guy but Ike." I answered truthfully. "Probably gay or bisexual." Michael comments. I just sigh "I can't focus whenever he pops into my head and I just can't seem to talk to him normally without being flustered. What do I do?" I ask my friends. We all stay silent till Henrietta speaks up.

"Ask to hangout with him then see if he likes you."

"What?! I can barely talk around him! How does hanging out with him help my problem?!" I yelled confused.

"Just try not to make eye contact and just ask him quickly then try to get to know him when you guys hangout. Everything will work out so don't get so nervous." She says trying to calm me down. I take deep breaths, not even noticing that it was getting hard for me to breathe.

"Fine, but if I get rejected I'm burning down the school and blaming you." I threatened making Henrietta laugh. I'm regretting this idea already.

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