Chapter 18 Old Friends

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Firkle's p.o.v.

I was asleep in my bed, having a nice, calming dream of Ike and I while the song 'Colors' played in the back of my head. Everything was so peaceful till I felt my whole body vibrating. Because of the vibrations I woke up from my amazing dream with dream Ike. I rolled over annoyed, grabbing my phone and answering whoever the fuck disturbed me from my dream.


"Hey there! We'll be by to pick you up soon kiddo-"

"Fuck off!" I yell cutting off Henrietta who was talking to me in her fake ass 'mothering' voice. I threw my phone to the side and laid back down in bed. From the distance I could still hear Henrietta talking.

"Looks like we're going to have to haul him out of bed again." She says before hanging up the phone. We? Is Michael and Pete coming as well? Fuck!

I get up from my bed since I couldn't fall back to sleep and decided to just get ready and see my old friends again. It's been a while since I've seen them. They're in college and I'm stuck at high school with Ike and his friends. Though I shouldn't complain too much since Ike is my boyfriend now. I get ready in my usual outfit, my black jeans, My Chemical Romance shirt, black jacket, black shoes and gothic makeup. I combed out my hair before hearing a knock at my bedroom door.

"Come in." I said and Henrietta walked in with Pete and Michael behind her.

"Ready Firkle?" Henrietta asked.

"Where are we going?"

"Out to the park." Pete said. Michael lead everyone, including me, out my house and to Henrietta's car. I texted my mom that I was leaving with my friends and that I'll be back soon. Henrietta drove us to the park where we all quietly got out and sat under the shade of some trees in the woods close to the park. We all got out our cigarettes like old times along with our lighters and started smoking.

"So Firkle, did that crush with Ike go?" Pete asked, Henrietta chuckles from the sudden question.

"It went well... he's my boyfriend now." I said casually, the others looking at me with shock.

"Wait, you got with him and you didn't even tell us?" Michael said a little hurt but tried to cover it up.

"It just slipped my mind."

"Yeah because Ike was occupying that space." Henrietta laughed. I just rolled my eyes.

"Seriously though Firkle, you could've called or texted us whenever." Pete said.

"I know. I just been busy."

"With what?" Michael questioned.

"Well I went on a date with Ike, met his friends and family and he even met my mom and Jake. I been busy with a lot of new stuff." I tell them.

I done so much these last few months and was even surprised myself by how much I changed. The thought of doing all this conformist shit only made me hate myself more for how less goth I've been acting. Ike has been trying to get me to think that being conformist isn't wrong but to me it still feels wrong. Growing up goth most of my life and now acting conformist makes me want to punch myself in the gut and throw up till I see blood.

"Woah." Pete said, everyone else going silent.

We all sat there in silence, occasional side conversations here or there but silence none the less. Cigarette after cigarette, smoke everywhere along with cigarettes buds and ash all on the ground.

"So Firkle, are we still going to that event for your birthday?" Michael asked.

"Uh duh? It's tradition, I wouldn't miss it for the world." I said, smiling to myself. Going to the 'event' just like old times with my old friend would make me feel normal again and not all conformist like. The thought of going to the event with my old friends made me smile inside, the old memories giving me happiness again. But I couldn't show too much emotion to my friends or they might call me a conformist. I can't wait for the event, it's going to be another great goth year.

"You guys wanna go tag a building?" Pete asked.

"Hell yeah." I said.

"I'm down." Henrietta calmly said.

"Of course babe." Michael said, kissing the cheek of his goth boyfriend. Damn, really wish Ike was here with my right now.

We all got up from the ground and headed back to Henrietta's car, driving off to go find some random building to tag. It feels great to be goth again.

This is long overdue! Hope you enjoy!!

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