Chapter 3 Awkward Talk

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Ike's p.o.v.

When lunch finally started I went to the back of the school to find Firkle. Not to my surprise, he was there leaning against the wall to the side of the school. He probably didn't hear the door open since he didn't turn to me so I just walked up to him. He had a cigarette in his hand which didn't surprise me at all since he's been smoking since kindergarten. "Hey Firkle!" I waved to him. His eyes widen from not noticing me at first but then calmed down to try and keep his goth composure in place.

"Uh hi? What is it that you want?" Firkle spoke in a cold tone like we have never talked before. He's probably mad that I haven't texted him nor talked to him in two months.

"I just wanted to tell you why I haven't been able to text you." I spoke.

"Oh, I already know." Firkle speaks in a even more colder tone. I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I ask. He then drops his cigarette and stomps on it. "I'm not an idiot, you obviously got bored of me then moved on to your actual friends like every other conformist would do." Firkle glares daggers into my eyes. Does he really think I'd forget about him just like that?

"What? No! My phone broke and my dad won't allow me on his computer." Firkle looked at me a little surprised but he still kept his original goth frown.

"Well, why didn't you just come up and talk to me?" Firkle asked.

"Because, I didn't want it to be awkward like it is right now." I say nervously shuffling in my standing position. Firkle just rolls his eyes. "It's only awkward if you make it awkward." He states, leaning back on the school wall. He stood there in silence, I couldn't think of anything to say to break it so I just stayed silent. Firkle lit another cigarette before turning to me.

"You know you can piss off if you don't want to be here with me." Firkle says coldly that it even sent shivers down my spine.

"I-I do, I just don't know what to say."

"Then just stay silent." He says as he breathes into the cigarette then puffs it out into circles which amazes me. "Want a cigarette?" He asked probably teasing me since he knows that I don't smoke. "No, you know I don't smoke." He grins to my answer. "Yeah, I know. Typical conformist." He whispers the last part to himself but loud enough for me to hear. I just roll my eyes. This isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, he's still cold but at least I know he can joke from time to time. I think to myself as I smile mentally. After a few minutes in silence the bell goes off and Firkle and I look at each other.

"I'll see you in class." I tell him before walking into the building.

"See ya." He mutters before the school doors shut behind me. I head straight to my next class with my backpack still on my back.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Ike's p.o.v.

It's the last class of the day and it has just ended. Nothing really happens in art class than just regular free time. This was also the last class I had Firkle in. While everyone ran out the class as the school bell rang I headed over to Firkle's desk to maybe talk to him again. Once there I noticed that he had already left class but I saw something on his desk. I picked up the small item and noticed that it was a small button. I didn't know Firkle collected buttons? It looked to be a maroon colored pin with black writing on it that says "born villain." I chuckled to myself while reading the pin and place it into my pocket as I walk out the school. I scan the front of the school for Firkle till I finally saw him walking down the sidewalk. I ran to him as I was gonna give him his pin back. Before I could get to him my friends Tricia and Karen stopped me. "Hey Ike! Wanna join us to the mall?" Karen asked me. "Uh sure, let me just do something real quick." I say before pushing past them and running up next to Firkle.

"Hey, you dropped this while you were leaving class." I say to him as I held his pin to his face. He stared up at me then to the button before he grabbed it from my hands.

"Ike, are you coming?" I hear Tricia yell to me. I turn my head over to their direction before answering.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" I hear Firkle mutter something before I walk off to the girls but I really didn't hear him clearly. Probably nothing important. I think to myself as I walk with the girls to the mall.

Firkle's p.o.v.

I was walking away from that hell of a place those conformist call school and was headed back home. I was walking in silence till someone ran next to me and spoke, holding something out in front of my face. I looked up to see the person and noticed that it was Ike. I then looked down to see what he was holding and noticed that it was my favorite pin.

"Hey, you dropped this while you were leaving class." He tells me which really surprised me that I even dropped it. I grabbed my pin from his hands and as our fingers touched I could feel my face burning up for some reason. I looked down at my favorite pin and spoke. "Thanks..." I muttered but when I looked back up at him I noticed that he was gone like a ghost that was haunting me... well a hot ghost if I'm correct- NO! FIRKLE! You don't think that conformist is hot! I mentally yell at myself as I shoved the pin into my pocket and speed walk faster to my house. Luckily when I got home my mother wasn't there yet so I just headed to my room and locked the door shut. I threw off my backpack and sat down on my bed while staring at my pin. The more that I looked at the pin the more that random questions from today kept appearing in my mind.

'I don't actually like him.' I thought.

'It must be overwhelming hate.'

'He's an annoying jock.'

'He's popular and preppy and I can't stand that.'

With each question appearing into my mind I felt my face get hotter and redder, either because I'm flustered or angry at all these questions in my head.

"Why does he have to be so nice?" I yell into my pillow that was next to me. I was so annoyed at how Ike was so nice and how his personality wasn't like any other conformist I knew.

"This is so not goth!!" I yelled into the pillow even more, releasing my angry voice into the pillow. Then another thought popped into my head.

'Do I like him?' That questioned frequently appeared in my head and it just flustered me even more.

"I can hide it..." I whispered into my pillow and held it tightly in my arms. I held the pillow close to my chest as I try to dismiss all questions from my mind but they just never seemed to go away. I decide to lay down and listen to some music and before I know it I fell asleep listening to a song I haven't heard before. It was called Colors by someone named Halsey. I slept peacefully as the thought of Ike appeared in my head as I listened to the song.

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