Chapter 21 Leaving?

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Ike's p.o.v.

Firkle took me back to his house, his mom was out so it was only us. We were sitting at the edge of the bed, next to each other. He was showing me a picture his friends had gave him as a extra birthday present. The photo looked cool but what Firkle told me next shocked me.

"My friends asked me to live with them in California." Firkle said. I turned my head towards him, I was speechless.


"My friends burned down their campus and are being transferred to a goth school in California. They are moving there by the end of July and want me to come. They had already talked to my mom and she said it was alright." Firkle explained.

"What did you tell them?" I asked.

"I told them that I needed time to think." He said and frowned. I didn't know how to feel. I was sad to think that Firkle would leave to be with his old friends and be goth with them. But I was also happy, he didn't give them a answer so there's a chance he might stay. What if that's wrong though? Would he be happier with the goths than me?

"What do you want to do?" I ask him.

"I... I don't know. I always dreamed of moving out with my friends and living with them. But now, I don't know and I'm confused." Firkle said, holding his head in frustration.

"Why are you confused? If you're happier with them then why don't you go?" I tell him.

"Because I don't think I'm as happy as I use to be when I'm with them anymore!" He says. I go silent. "We don't hang out like we use to. We hang for one day then don't see each other for weeks. Then after I met you and your friends I felt something change. I didn't feel depressed or sad like I use to feel. I felt happier after being with you! But this might be my one chance that I get to be truly goth, the one chance to make my father proud..." I rubbed circles on Firkles back, calming him down. There must be so much going through his head right now. I looked down and saw Firkle twisting his promise ring on his finger. Is he feeling anxious?

"Georgie, whatever you decide I'll support you no matter what. If you want to stay then I'm happy. If you go... I'll have to live with it. We could always chat online and call and maybe make visits during the summer. We can still make everything work, I just want you to be happy." I tell him with a smile. He smiles back. Then he punches my arm.


"That's for using my real name." He said and I laughed.

"Sorry, I just wanted to show that I was serious. I'm serious aboot us." I said and he laughed.

"Aboot." He repeated and we both laughed together. When we stopped Firkle jumped on me and wrapped his arms around my neck. The action was so sudden that I fell back onto his bed. My arms were wrapped around his waist.

"Thank you Ike."

"For what?"

"For... everything." Firkle said. I felt him smile in the crook of my neck, making me smile as well. We both lied on his bed together, holding each other in our arms. There was only silence in the air but we didn't care. We were use to it. We embraced the silence knowing that all we needed was each other's presence. We smiled happily, being together was all we needed to smile. I closed my eyes and slowly both Firkle and I fell asleep in each other's arms.

Let me know in the comments on what you think Firkle should do? Should he go with his old friends and rekindle their old friendship with them or should he stay with Ike and Ike's friends??

He's Blue (Firkle x Ike) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now