Chapter 10 Goth Day

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Ike's p.o.v.

I woke up a bit earlier than I would like but I didn't complain since I needed to get everything ready. I begin to put on my dark clothing and jewelry.

(This is something I actually made, the photos aren't mine but I did put in the work of making them into a collage)

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(This is something I actually made, the photos aren't mine but I did put in the work of making them into a collage)

My hoodie was from a year or two ago but I can't remember who got it for me? I think Stan? Anyways, under my hoodie is just a plain black shirt. I finish with everything, now all I have to do is makeup. I walked into the bathroom and started to do the easy part, my lips. I traced the lipstick around my lips while looking in the mirror, trying my best to not get lipstick anywhere else. After that I went to do my eyes. I used only black eyeshadow and mascara so my eyes looked very dark in the mirror. The makeup sorta made my freckles look more visible then usual which is pretty cool! After I was completed and happy with my outfit I grabbed my bag and left to my bus stop it's the bus stop where my brother and his friends use to always go. He told me many stories about it, the one that stick with me the most is when he played kick the baby with me. Like what the hell? Don't kick the god damn baby!

I get to the bus stop but don't see Firkle. He's usually here first but he must've gotten dropped off at the school by his goth friends. Once the bus came everyone was looking out the bus window to get a better look at me. The doors opened and I walked right in with everyone's eyes on me. It felt sorta creepy and awkward. Is this how Firkle feels everyday? I went to the seat next to Tricia and she was both shocked yet also trying to hold in a laugh.

"What the he'll happened yesterday?!" She yelled laughing at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your date! Are you now goth?" She laughs.

"Shut it Tricia. I'm just trying to impress him that's all." I tell her.

"Alright! I'm sorry but honestly you don't need to change yourself for him." Tricia said actually saying something nice to me for once.

"Weird, I thought Karen would be telling me that." I smirk and she punches me in the shoulder.

"Now you shut it." She laughs, I laugh along with her. This continues until we finally get to school. When we get off everyone's staring at me oddly. Karen went up to me and Tricia.

"What did Firkle do to you?!" Karen yells running to us.

"Oh my god nothing!" I said annoyed.

"He's trying to impress him." Tricia tells Karen.

"Aww! That's so sweet! I think I just saw Firkle! He might have left to the back of the school." Karen informs me and I nod my head, heading to the back of the school. I open the doors and saw that no one was outside. I walked to the side and saw Firkle smoking a cigarette like always. He didn't seem to notice me which sorta hurt a bit but I ignore the feeling and just say hello.

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