Chapter 15 His Friends And Us

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Firkle's p.o.v.

Why the hell is Ike's friend here? And in the BOYS BATHROOM of all sorts! I stared at Ike then to his friend, Tricia. I only know her from what Ike have told me about her and his other friend, Karen.

"I KNEW YOU GUYS WERE A THING!" Tricia yelled pointing to us, Ike ran over and covered her mouth.

"Shut up! We don't want anyone to kno- eww!" Ike yells moving his hand away and backing away from her. Tricia had licked his hand and was smiling with satisfaction.

"Well you could've told me and Karen at least! You know we wouldn't tell anyone." She said nudging his shoulder. Ike rolls his eyes.

"Whatever, why are you in here anyways?" He questions her.

"I told you I was gonna mark the schools bathrooms." Ike then slapped his head.

"I didn't think you'd do it in the boys bathrooms as well." Ike said.

"Well I take my rebellion seriously." Tricia smirks and goes into her bag of spray cans.

"Cool, need some help?" I ask, they both turn to me shockingly.

"What?!" They yell in unison.

"What? Sounds like fun. I haven't done it in a while anyways." I tell them. I honestly haven't done it in so long since the goths are busy with dumb college stuff. Ike just stares at me in disbelief but Tricia grins and throws a black spray paint can to me. I catch it successfully... actually no I almost dropped the can but I still had it in my hands in the end.

"I'm starting to like your boyfriend Ike." Tricia smirks and grabs a red spray paint can, starting to spray a near by wall. Both Ike and I blush at her comment. I turn to spray paint a bathroom stall but Ike grabbed my arm.

"Are you seriously gonna do this? You know you don't have to right?" Ike said.

"I know. But I want to. It's been so long since I've done something like this, I've only ever done this with the goths. It feels great to do something like this again on my own." I smiled. He then did something I never expected him to do.

"Tricia! Throw me one too!" He yells to Tricia and she laughs, throwing him a blue can. My eyes widen as I see him go into a bathroom stall and start to graffiti above the toilet. The goody-two-shoes, popular kid, canadian boy, Ike Broflovski is doing something rebellious and against the law... woah. What did I do to get someone like him?

Ike's p.o.v.

It's weird to see me do something like this but... I saw something in Firkle. The sparkle in his eyes and that smile on his face, I just couldn't say no. It seems like it's been forever since he's been himself and I can't blame him. He's dating something he use to despise all his life and a change like this must really confuse him and hurt his goth reputation. But I wasn't just gonna let him take all the fun. I catch my blue can and started to spray paint the bathroom stall walls. I then hear Firkle start to spray paint the stall right next door to me. Honestly, doing something like this is really fun and thrilling! No wonder Firkle does this!

I painted some random stuff on the walls, anything I could think of or that came to mind. Once I'm done I go to see what Firkle drew. When I walk in the stall I was immediately surprised and slightly terrified on what I saw. There were a few satanic stuff along with other dark things and Cthulhu stuff? I don't even know, it's probably best that I don't know or find out. I walk over to Tricia who was spray painting random stuff as well. She was almost done till we heard the door open. We all three turn to the door and see... Karen?!

"Ike? Firkle?! What the hell are you two doing here?!" She says confused.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"I came to find Tricia!" She states.

"I found them here kissing." Tricia speaks up with a sly grin. Karen squeals at the thought.

"That is so cute!" Karen smiles.

"Can we please keep it a secret! You know, until we at least want to be open aboot it!" All three of them laugh at my mad canadian accent as it slips up from my slight anger. God, I need to start having more control of my dumb accent, I need to learn how to say about right too.

"Hey Karen! You should join, we're having a bonding moment!" Tricia says.

"Tricia, you know I'll get in trouble if Kenny found out."

"But you can't get in trouble if we don't get caught." Tricia says and throws Karen a green spray can. She catches it then goes into the last empty stall, taking a few seconds to spray paint it. Tricia finishes up her drawing and Karen leaves the stall with a smile.

"There you go girl!" Tricia cheers and I smile. We haven't done something like this before but it felt great.

"We should go before we get caught. Come on!" Tricia says before leading us out the bathroom and towards the hallways.

"Hey! What are you kids doing out of class?!" I hear a teacher yell behind us. Just then we hear the bell ring for next period.

"Run!" Tricia yells and we rush out the doors, heading down the sidewalk as fast as we could away from the school. We were basically running for our lives out that door. Once we're out of sight of the school we started laughing our asses off.

"Oh my god did you see his face!" Tricia laughs.

"It wasn't as bad as Ike when he thought we were dead!" Karen says.

"No! You were more terrified then me!" I laugh pointing to Karen. We laughed off the thrilling moment that just happened. We were just having the time of our life. I turn to Firkle who was smiling and our laugh event.

"I can tell that you had fun." I nudge my shoulder to Firkle who rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever. It was alright." Firkle chuckled and smiled to me. It's really great to see Firkle smile like this.

"Hey Firkle, you should start hanging with us more often!" Tricia suggested.

"Yeah! That'd be awesome to have you around! Plus Ike wouldn't have to be lonely anymore with you around." Karen says making me blush deeply.

"Really? You guys want me around?" Firkle questioned surprisingly.

"After today, of course we want you around! Now Ike won't have to be our third wheel." Tricia teased.

"I am not a third wheel!" I laughed.

"Uh yeah, I'd love to join you guys." Firkle says. I smile to him happily.

"Hold on! Before we do anything else I have a question." I tell everyone before looking over at Firkle.

"I'm sorry I never asked you this before but I want to ask you now on this beautiful and wonderful day. Firkle will you officially be my boyfriend?" We've been dating for almost a month and I want it to be more that dating. I want to hug, cuddle, kiss him and let everyone know he's mine starting today. I saw the way he had fun with us and how he was slowly breaking his gothic shell. I want to start this new chapter of his life along his side as his boyfriend.

"Of course Ike!" Firkle smiles and hugs me tightly. I hug him back smiling. I hope he doesn't hate himself too much after doing a conformist thing. Karen cheers for us while Tricia whistles at us.

"Alright, come on you love birds! Let's go do something else, we left school! We gotta do something fun now!" Tricia yells excitingly.

"Yeah! For your first day of officially being boyfriends we gotta make today special." Karen smiles and I blush along with Firkle. I kiss his adorable red cheek and his cheeks becomes a darker red. God he's so cute! We start to walk again, ready to start up a whole bunch of trouble for the rest of the day.

He's Blue (Firkle x Ike) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now