Chapter 14 Shirt Challenge

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Ike's p.o.v.

Firkle and I have been dating for a few weeks now. We decided to keep it a secret since Firkle didn't want anyone at school to know he's dating a conformist. He said something about being a hypocrite and a traitor to goths everywhere but I just kissed his cheek and told him it was alright. To be honest I don't want my family to know that I'm dating him because I don't want them to embarrass me. Not that Kyle isn't already teasing me about my crush on Firkle and also Tricia. I also got a new phone yesterday! Finally! But what sucks is that I need to get everyone's phone numbers again! Ugh!

I get ready like usual but decide to put on a different outfit today. I look through my drawers and find an old shirt I haven't wore in a while. I usually do a challenge with the shirt and post me in it on my Instagram. I place my new phone in front of my mirror and pose with the shirt.

 I place my new phone in front of my mirror and pose with the shirt

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I then start typing something underneath the picture.

Glad to be back on social media!!! Who remembers this challenge? Gonna start it again today because of my arrival back on here! My high score is 40 kisses! Only the cheek though ladies and gentlemen, I'm saving my lips for someone special~

I then put a bunch of hashtags and posted it. Within 5 minutes I started getting comments and questions on who the person is. Wow, guess I am popular? I finish getting ready and start heading to school. I was walking to school today because I promised Tricia and Karen I'd walk with them. Once they see me they started running to me at full speed. Here we go again!


"NO I AM!"

Both Karen and Tricia yelled before getting to me and kissing the opposites of my cheeks.



They started to bicker again at Who was first. They always do this when I start a challenge, they wish to be the first ones.

"Guys calm down! You both were first!" I laughed. After the commotion we finally started to walk to school till I heard a 'clinking' sound coming from Tricia's bag.

"Uh Tricia, what's in your bag?" I ask her.

"Oh! Those are just my spray paint cans." She smiles like nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Why do you have spray paint cans?!"

"Because I'm gonna mark the schools bathrooms." She smirked. That's Tricia, always getting into trouble.

"I won't bail you out this time if you get caught." Karen says.

"You say you won't but you will." Tricia states with a smile. They are so cute when they tease each other. Once we get to school we head to our lockers which are close to each other's and grab the books we need for class. Right when I open my locker I can already see a few girls coming my way from the corner of my eye. They all kiss my cheek and then started to talk to me. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, I counted in my head.

"So Ike, who's the special someone you mentioned?" One of the girls asked as she twirled her hair.

"Yeah, who is it? Is it a girl we know?" Another asked.

"They're someone very special that I can't say yet." I tell them.

"Aww come on! At least describe her." A girl whined while looking at me and biting her lip a bit.

"Well, they're unique, kind, very poetic, a great kisser and has a dark colored sense of style." I smiled as the girls fangirled and talked to each other to try and figure out who I'm describing. They soon leave me and I go on with my day.

Throughout the day I was getting kissed on the cheek by girls or by guys who were just playing around. Even Filmore who made dumb kissing sounds. I have more than 40 kisses at this point! It was getting close to the end of the day till I ran into Firkle. He gave a small smile towards me but then dropped it when he saw a girl kiss my cheek. Shit! On the bright side I have 49. On the other hand Firkle turned around and dragged me to the boys restroom. It's the restroom that isn't used often because of how disgusting it is.

"What the hell was that?!" Firkle yelled angrily.

"What do you mean? It was just a kiss." I said.

"JUST A KISS! Ike that is not cool! Are you seriously just saying that a girl kissing you is nothing?! Are you cheating on me? Is our love just fake! Am I even that special to you?!" He yelled with so much emotion in his words that it hurt me to hear him say all those things. Tears were even forming in the corner of his eyes. I fucked up! I fucked up real bad!

"Woah! Hold on! You are special to me! I love you with all my heart! I was just doing a challenge!" I tell him.

"A challenge?" He ask, I pull out my new phone and show him my instagram post of me.

"It's a challenge I do with my shirt. Since I'm back on social media I wanted to do something fun." I tell him the truth. He looks at the post then my phone then my shirt. He then hit his head.

"I totally forgot you do that dumb challenge with that shirt! Ugh, I over reacted. I'm sorry I should've known." He apologized.

"No it's ok! I shouldn't have done the challenge, it was stupid of me to do that to you. I'm sorry." I apologize back.

"It's alright you were just excited. But I have one question, when the hell did you get a new phone?!" He ask. I laughed nervously.

"I just got it yesterday and I'd also thought you'd have already seen my post?"

"I don't have Instagram." He stares at me seriously. I stare back in disbelief.

"I'm making you an account at the end of school." I tell him and he just shrugs not caring. He then comes up to me and grab the collar of my shirt. He pulls me forward and smashes our lips together. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. 50, I say in my head with a smile. After a minute of kissing we pull away for air.

"By the way, no one should be kissing you but me. Challenge or not. You're mine." He says seriously while looking me in the eyes. I love it when he gets protective over me.

"Yes I'm yours and you're mine too~" I smirk as I wrap my arms around his waist. He blushes a bright pink and I chuckle a bit as I lean in to kiss him again. We were so caught up in the moment that we didn't hear anyone come through the bathroom door, well not until I heard something drop. Firkle and I turn around only to see a paint can on the floor next to someone's feet. We look up to see the persons face.

"TRICIA?!" We both yell in confusion.

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