Chapter 22 Fourth of July

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Firkle's p.o.v.

It's late afternoon of Fourth of July and my mom and I are setting up the fireworks for tonight. Ike and his friends are coming over later but they are spending some time with their families right now so it might be a while. We had a few boxes of different types of fireworks. Fourth of July wasn't really my favorite event as a child, I would always get scared when the fireworks exploded. I still get scared sometimes but I'm gonna try not to get scared this year, mostly so I don't embarrass myself in front of everyone. I placed all the fireworks on my back porch and sit down on the bench swing. It slowly moved back and forth as I sat criss cross. I felt the breeze go through my hair as I slowly closed my eyes. And just like that, it suddenly became night.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Third Person p.o.v.

It was now night time. The stars and moon were out, shining through the night as fireworks could be heard from every neighborhood near by. Karen and Tricia were messing with sparklers, Jennifer was inside and Ike and Firkle were talking on the bench swing. Tricia was chasing Karen around with her sparkler, Karen running away and laughing.

"So, Firkle, how has today been for you?" Ike asked Firkle, turning his head towards his boyfriend.

"It's been alright, loud for the most part." Firkle said and Ike chuckled. Firkle smiled seeing Ike all happy and himself. Though Firkle felt bad, especially since he has to tell Ike something. Something important and devastating to the both of them. Ike saw the sad look in Firkle's eyes and spoke up "Are you feeling alright Firkle?" Firkle looked up to Ike.

"I-Ike, I have something to tell you..." Firkle stuttered nervously.

"What is it Firkle? You can tell me."

"It's about the trip to California..." Firkle said, both him and Ike go silent from the sentence. Both scared and not wanting to continue the conversation.

"Ike I-I'm-"

"FIREWORKS TIME!" Jennifer yelled coming into the backyard. Both boys were startled and both the girls cheered.

"Ike, wanna come set off some fireworks with me and the girls?" Jennifer asked, knowing that Firkle might be too scared to be around the Fireworks when they go off.

"Uh, no thanks Jennifer. I'll just stay over here with Firkle if that's fine." Ike declined politely. Jennifer nodded her head and walked over to the girls. The girls set up the fireworks on the ground with the help of their phone flashlights and the porch light as well. Ike looked back over at Firkle.

"You were saying?" Ike asked, eager yet filled with fear. Firkle was as well though he knew he had to tell Ike, he can't keep it in any longer.

"I-I thought about it. The trip to California with my friends." Firkle said, anxiety washing down his whole body.

"3!" The girls yelled, counting down before firing the first firework. The boys ignored their yelling and continued their conversation.

"What did you decide on?" Ike asked.


"I-Ike I'm..." Firkle couldn't get it out. It hurt him so much to say it but he knew it was for the best. But was it really?


"I'm leaving..." The tension was thick and the silence was unbearable.


Firkle jumped from the sudden sound of the firework going off. He jumped and grabbed onto the closest thing to him. Which was Ike. He had his arms wrapped around Ike, shaking and scared of the loud noise that went off. Ike put his arms around Firkle, holding him securely in his arms. Ike was confused from Firkles sudden action and why he was shaking.

"Firkle?" Ike questioned nervously "Are you alright?" Firkle couldn't speak, all he could do was shake his head. Is he scared of the noise? Ike thought to himself. He continued to hold Firkle in his arms, petting his head softly to calm him down. Once Firkle stopped shaking he looked up at Ike, blushing red and embarrassed for his actions.

"S-Sorry..." Firkle stuttered, pulling away from the embrace. Ike was a bit sad to have the warmth from Firkle leave.

"It's fine, are you scared of loud noise?"

"Y-Yeah, I know it's stupid but it just stuck with me ever since I was a kid."

"It's not stupid Firkle, everyone is afraid of something." Ike smiled kindly, wrapping his arm around Firkle's neck and pulling him close. Firkle cuddled into Ike's side, shuttering every time a firework exploded. The girls didn't seem to notice but the boys didn't care. All they cared about was each other at that moment.

"So... you're really leaving, huh?" Ike said, staring up at the sky.

"Yeah..." Firkle answered, doing the same thing. "Can you promise me something Ike?" Firkle asked, looking over at his boyfriend.

"Yeah?" Ike said, looking into his boyfriend's eyes

"Promise to make this our best summer before I leave?"

"Only if you promise me you'll keep the promise ring until I can soon replace it with a wedding ring." Firkle nodded with a smile and Ike smiled as well. They stared into each other's eyes and leaned forward. Their lips connected, fitting perfectly like puzzle pieces. They smiled so brightly, loving the moment they have with each other. They wanted to stay like that forever but soon pulled away for air. They smiled at each other one last time before Firkle leaned on Ike's shoulder and looked up at the sky with him, watching the colors of sparks dance in the air. This is going to be their best summer ever and Ike was determined to make it the best. Since this might also be their last summer together.

So next chapter will be the final chapter of this book. I just want to thank everyone for reading this story, I loved this so much but it has to end at some point. I hope you guys loved this story and love the ending as well. I might post it either later today or tomorrow, it depends on whether you want the next chapter now. That said, bye my lil readers!!

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