Chapter 20 Goth Convention

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Firkle's p.o.v.

Today is May 22 and I'm going to bed heading to a goth convention with my goth friends. Every year we would go to the goth convention near South Park, it was always on May 22, which was annual goth day. Goths from different states would go there to have a great time. It would always be my friends, me and my dad but now only my friends and I go together. It's a great convention but I hate it when I spot fake goths at the place, I don't even know why they would go in the first place? I got ready in my usual outfit, heading towards my front door. I was gonna meet the goths there since the convention wasn't too far. My mom also knows about the con since her and my dad use to always bring me there all the time so I'm fine to walk alone. I opened the front door about to walk out but bumped my head into something.

"Ouch!" Someone said. I looked up and saw Ike standing in front of me, rubbing his head.

"Ike?!" I yelled.

"Hey Firkle, did you know I was coming or something?" He joked with a chuckle.

"N-No, I was just heading out. Are you alright?" I asked worried if he's ok.

"Yeah I'm fine, you?"


"So, where you headed?" Ike asked curiously.

"I was headed to Goth day."

"Goth day? Isn't that everyday for you?" He joked again.

"It's a event where all the goths go, sometimes other people go for fun but I don't understand why." I explained.

"So it's a convention?"

"N-No! It's a goth association event!"

"Babe, it's a convention." Ike said. I hate it when he uses nicknames on me, they always make me feel flustered and embarrassed.

"Can I come?" He asked, shocking me.


"Because I want to see what it's like plus I get to spend more time with you." He smiled.

"I-I don't know, the goths will be there and we don't usually like when people fake being goth and stuff." I really did want Ike to come though but how would the goths feel?

"I could blend in!" He said, giving me a great idea.

"Come with me." I said before grabbing his hand and dragging him up to my room.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Third Person p.o.v.

Ike and Firkle were on their way to the goth convention. Ike was decked out in a whole goth outfit, makeup and everything. On their walk to the convention Firkle talked to Ike on how the cons were like and how to act. Once they entered the huge convention building they instantly saw many people dressed up in either gothic clothes or excessive dark clothing and makeup. Some people didn't even look like goths but more like witches. Firkle just frowned while Ike looked around, amazed by everything. Firkle looked around, trying to find his friends.

"What do you want to do first?" Ike asked.

"We could look around the booths to see what people sell or look for panels or even see who's performing on the stage right now." Firkle informed.

"Let's look at the booths then go find a panel." Ike said and Firkle nod his head.

They went into a room filled with many booths and people surrounding each one. Each booth had something different, paintings, clothes, jewelry, (fake) dead animals, pins, stickers and much more. Everyone was talking about their outfits or the things they bought/sold.

"Let's look at the jewelry." Ike suggested and dragged Firkle over to a booth with many Victorian Gothic jewelry. The seller smiled at them and continued their conversation with someone else.

"Looking for anything specific?" Firkle asked.

"Nope, but everything does look cool though." Ike smiled, Firkle smiled as well at how Ike looked like a kid in the candy store. 'Stop feeling like this! You're a goth not those conformist!' Firkle's mind yelled at itself. Firkle frowned and shook the thought from his head. Ike and Firkle continued to look around the area for other things to buy. Firkle bought some pins and a skeleton bird on a swing and Ike bought some stickers, a goth shirt and a creepy painting. After the booths they left and looked for a panel. The first one they found talked about Victorian times, what people acted like and how they dressed in dark, ripped clothing. The second panel was basically people asking the speaker questions and giving pop quizzes to people. If they get it right they get a lollipop. Firkle got 10 and Ike got 5, surprising Firkle. I guess history does come in hand sometimes. Before heading to the third panel Ike and Firkle went to grab a quick snack. While waiting on their orders Firkle felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and stared wide-eyed.

"Hey Firkle, sorry we're late." Henrietta said to Firkle. Michael and Pete waved over to him.

"Sorry we left you alone." Pete apologize.

"O-Oh, I wasn't alone. I brought Ike." Firkle said turning around and seeing Ike wave to the goths. The goths waved back at him.

"Ike, is it ok if we steal Firkle? We need to talk to him about something." Michael asked and Ike nodded an ok. The goths walked away with a very confused Firkle following them.

"What do you guys need to talk to me-" Something was shoved into Firkles face.

"It's another birthday present." Pete said and Firkle looked at it. It was a picture. A brick wall that was sprayed painted to say 'Happy Birthday Firkle!' (Idea from pixiedust429 ) And behind it was a school on fire. Firkle was amazed.

"How did you guys take this photo?" Firkle asked.

"We first spray painted the wall at our college campus but it was too dark so we had the idea to set the school on fire. It gave a perfect light, after the photo we snuck away and the whole school burned." Michael explained.

"You burned a school without me?!" Firkle said a bit annoyed.

"We didn't want you to miss your sweet 16 party." Henrietta snickered. Firkle rolled his eyes. "Though, because the school burned down and no one found out it was us our whole school has to move." She finished.

"Wait, you guys are moving? Where?!" Firkle asked worried.

"There's a goth college in California. We have to finish our classes online then transfer to California during the summer." Michael explained.

"So you guys are just gonna move?" Firkle said sadly.

"Not without you. We wanted to ask if you would like to come. We already talked with your mom, she trust us and said you would be fine to stay with us if you like." Pete said.

"What do you say Firkle?" Henrietta asked. 'Say yes. Say yes! It's a dream come true! You want this!' Firkle thought in his head.

"G-Give me some time, I have to think about it." Firkle said, rubbing his arm.

"We understand, it's a lot. We don't leave till the end of July so you got till then. Now head back over to Ike, he's starting to look like a lost puppy." Henrietta said, pointing over to Ike who was awkwardly looking around and saying hi to people. Firkle nodded and parted from his friends and walked towards his boyfriend. 'What are you doing?! You always thought of moving away before! You're turning into a conformist!' His thoughts yelled at him more. Firkle was getting angrier, he hated the voices and wanted them to stop. Firkle walked up to Ike and did something he never thought he'd do in public, he kissed Ike. Ike was surprised but returned the kiss nonetheless.

'So what if I'm turning into a conformist? I'm happy by how much I changed and how much better my life gotten. It's not the end of the world. I'd choose happiness over goth any day if it meant I stay with the one I love the most.' Firkle thought to himself and the voices stopped. Firkle smiled and pulled away from the kiss.

"Woah, what was that for?" Ike smiled. Firkle smiled back but then it fell to a frown.

"I need to tell you something I found out." Firkle said, staring into Ike's eyes seriously. Ike nodded and they both left the convention, to talk about their future.

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