Chapter 7 His House

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Ike's p.o.v.

Firkle and I have finally got to his house. I didn't see any cars in the front, his parents were probably not there. He took out a key from his bag and unlocked the door. He stepped aside to let me in first.

"Thanks." I smiled walking in. He just rolls his eyes from my politeness and I chuckle a bit. He shuts the door as I look around his house. It was pretty normal inside, maybe his family isn't all gothic like him. The inside was actually pretty nice and decorative with fancy looking items. The walls were white as well as the coffee table, the other furniture were either black or dark grey.

"Come on!" Firkle calls out to me as he was half way up the carpet stairs. I snapped out of my trance and followed him up.

Once at the top I saw four doors. The hall was light grey with a few potted plants. There were two doors on one side, one all the way down the hall, and one on the other side. The door that was all alone was completely black with a golden knob. All the others were white. Firkle went to the black wooden door and turned the golden knob. He opens it and inside was exactly what I expected but also not what I expected.

The walls were black with a white rim all around the bottom of the wall, the floor was a dark oak floor. His curtains were black along with his bed and his carpet. What I didn't expect was for everything to be so neat and to look almost fact like downstairs. There were a few red candles that weren't lit but they were placed around the room very nicely. He had a black bed side table and a black dresser with a mirror attached. There were a few decorative black spider webs along with a few pentagrams and other creepy things around. What I definitely notice was the small black chandelier hanging in the room.

"Wow..." I say looking around his room. He place down his bag and I do the same.

To the side of his room was a small glass box. Curiously, I walked over to it. I bend down a bit but didn't see anything inside. I didn't know Firkle had a pet. What did he get? A lizard? Turtle? Maybe he got a baby snake? I looked around a bit more trying to find a animal till something jumped out.

"Ahh!!" I screamed and fell to the floor. A spider had jumped out and stuck onto the glass. I heard Firkle chuckle behind me.

"That's my pet tarantula, his name is Jake." Firkle says and walks over to me. He holds his hand out for me to grab and I almost start laughing.

"What's so funny?" He ask.

"The tables have turn." I said laughing. Firkle's face turn red a bit but kept his normal face. "Shut up and take my hand or I'll leave you down there." He says and I grab his hand. He pulls me up off the ground and I thank him.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I ask.

"Anything is fine with me." Firkle says and walks over to his tarantula that has now gotten off the glass.

"Are you scared of spiders?" He ask me.

"Uh, not much. Why?" I ask cautiously.

"Wanna hold Jake?" He questions, holding his pet in his right hand. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What? I like spiders.." He smiled creepily to his spider then to me.

"He won't bite, unless I tell him to." He says and holds out Jake to scare me. Is he trying to get a reaction out of me? Well two can play at that game!

"Sure! I'll hold Jake." I smiled. Now he's the one looking at me like I'm crazy. I hold out my hands and he hands me the large creepy spider. I might look calm but inside I'm screaming in terror. I really hope it doesn't bite me.

"Jake. He's a friend. No bite. Just play." Firkle commands and Jake just moves around in my hands. Jake seemed to be very smart, I think to myself. Since Jake was hairy he would tickle me whenever he moved. Jake then went around my arms and to the top of my head, making me laugh a bit. I could see Firkle give a little smile at me playing with Jake. Firkle looked so precious with that smile on him.

"Alright, enough fun for now. Let's get you back to your bed." Firkle said and reaches up to grab his spider from my head. Since Firkle was a bit shorter than me he had to stand on his toes to meet my height. He went to grab Jake from my head when Jake went to the back of my head, sending a chill down my spine.

"Come here Jake." Firkle says, trying to grab him again. His arms wrapped around my neck and he was very close to my face but he was too busy to notice.

"Uh, Firkle?"

"Wha-" He cuts himself off when he finally realized our position. He was at least an inch away from my face, his arms wrapped around my neck. We both turned red at that moment, not knowing what to do. That's when the spider moved from my head to Firkle's arm and settles on his shoulder. "Uh... Your pet is really smart, heh." I compliment his spider to try and make things less awkward.

"Y-Yeah, he really is..." Firkle says. Welp, I guess the awkwardness is still here. We don't move an inch from each other, it's just complete silence. But it felt sorta calming, just standing this close to Firkle with nothing but silence, talking to each other with our eyes. Everything just seemed to slow down and it felt great. What was even better was when we started to move, but closer to each other! I leaned close to Firkle and he did the same until we both finally met in the middle. Our lips connected to each other perfectly. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his waist, making the kiss deepen. He wrapped his arms tighter around my neck, if we could get any closer we would. I licked the bottom of his lipstick covered lips and he opened just enough for me to slip right in. My tongue swirled all around his mouth and explored all over his wet cavern. My tongue then tied into Firkle's tongue, the sensation between us was amazing. We had a full on make out session till we both pulled away when we heard a sudden noise.

The front door open and someone else was now in the house...

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