Chapter 8 Out The Window?!

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Ike's p.o.v.

I heard the front door open then close. I looked at Firkle and his eyes showed a different emotion I have never seen before. Panic. He releases me from his grip and I do the same, both of us pulling away. I felt really awkward but Firkle started to panic. "Shit! She's going to come up here and question me now and I am not in the mood to talk to that conformist!" Firkle started to whisper yell to himself.

"Who's she?" I ask as Firkle started to put Jake back in his glass box.

"My conformist mother. You need to leave!" Firkle quickly say to me as he gives me my back pack.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because my mom doesn't know about me being gay and I can't have your bright happy canadian self here or she'll ask questions." He says to me. I was a bit shock from what he said.

"Well how am I going to leave?" I ask.

"The window!" He says and looks over to his black curtains. I nod and go over to his window. I don't know why I agreed but Firkle is still scary and I really don't want to get bit by his spider. He opens the window and I slowly get out. I carefully go down his roof and jump down into the soft snow with my stuff. I give Firkle the thumbs up and he nods closing the window and his curtains. I walk around his house to the front and started to walk back to my house. That's when everything hit me. What the hell was that back there?! I kiss him then jump out his window! Who does that? I question myself. I can't even text him because my phone is broken! I guess I'll have to wait till school?

Firkle's p.o.v.

What the hell just happened?! I kissed Ike! Ike kissed me! We made out... and now he just literally left out my window like we're trying to cover up something which we are. But the way he kissed me... how he held me so gently and yet so close to him... it felt amazing. Like we were floating and dancing in the sky. Like nothing else mattered and that time have seemed to slow down. It felt like... a dream come true, until my mother decided to come home early. I guess Henrietta was right, everything did sorta worked out... oh my Cthulhu I told him I was gay! No one but the goths knew I was gay but now he does! This is so embarrassing! I even panicked in front of him when my mother was, I wasn't my unfazed goth self! What is wrong with me?!

"Georgie?" My Mom called for me and knocked on my door. I closed my curtains and sat on my bed.

"I'm here, come in." I say, now with a straight face. She walks in and stares at me.

"Georgie, are you ok?" My mother ask me with concern in her voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I tell her, not even bothering to look her in the eye.

"Are you sure? You didn't tell me off about me calling you Georgie." She says. Fuck! I didn't even bother to notice that she's been calling me Georgie this whole time! My mind is so occupied with Ike that I don't even know what's happening around me.

"I was busy thinking..." I tell her, trying to get her to leave.

"Now you're not even yelling at me to get out the room. Honey really, is everything fine?" She ask again. No! Everything isn't fine! I just want to open my mouth and scream to her but I can't seem to open my mouth.

I'm going crazy about Ike and I don't even know what's happening! I don't even know what this feeling is or what happened earlier but I want to feel it again... but I also hate myself for just acting like this... what's wrong with me? I'm not myself.... what did Ike do to me? Did he poison me with his words of kindness and his kiss of passion? Am I dying for his love? Will I soon fall for him? Whatever he did... I want more of his poison.

"I don't know..." I tell her truthfully. she then walks over and sit down on my bed next to me. We sit there in silence, not because of the tension but because she knew that I actually embraced it. She knew that silence can lead to so much more without the small talk in the way. She knew that I loved the silence because of that, she always knew because she loved everything about me and what I was into no matter what or how I acted towards her. She's my mom... and I don't know how she can put up with me after so long. Shut the fuck up Firkle! You're not a sappy fucking emo or goth right now!

"Would you like to talk about it?" She ask my politely.

"I don't know what to talk about... I'm sorta confused..."

"About what?"


"Can I hug you?" She knows that I don't like physical contact but when I don't feel good she ask if it's ok. I nod my head and she wraps her arms around me. I hold onto her arms feeling a bit of my anxiety going away, I calm down finally and my mind starts to clear up.

"I heard that you skipped a few classes today..."

"Are you going to take away my cigarettes?" I ask.

"No, I know how much you feel good when you have them and right now you need them more than ever." She says which sorta surprises me. I can't remember when we last sat down and talked like this. It felt like forever since we talked instead of me just yelling at her for using my real name and her trying to know what my day was like every other day.


"Yes Georgie?" She ask a bit surprised that I called her mom. That word felt so foreign to me.

"I'm gay..."

"... hi gay I'm Mom..." she says smiling a bit. I felt a chuckle come from my mouth and she smiled even more.

"Sorry, I had to heh. But in all seriousness, I'm glad you told me and no matter what I'll still love you." She tells me making me smile to her. I swear these conformist are using some kind of voodoo magic to make me feel like this. But it feels alright. That doesn't mean I'm acting all goodie goodie when I get to school cause fuck that!

"Thanks Mom." I tell her.

"Anything for you Firkle..." She said it... she used my name... but it doesn't sound good from her. It sounds sorta wrong when she says it.

"No, it's Georgie. I'm fine with you calling me that." I tell her and she hugs me tighter. I should tell her to let go of me now or I'll literally die. Guess I'll talk to Ike tomorrow at school.


Sorry for a sappy chapter, I just wanted to show a bit of character change in Firkle's life. I feel like he had a connection with his mom but he lost it during a part in his life. I won't say from what but I'll be talking more about Firkle's life in future chapters! You're welcome to ask questions but I won't be spoiling much, sorry!! The next chapter will be coming soon so hold on! Bye bye!!

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