Chapter 6 The Hangout

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Firkle's p.o.v.

I was freaking out! Did I really just do that?! I acted like a petty blushing conformist that couldn't even speak to someone along with embarrassing myself by stuttering over my words. And to top it all off I did it all in front of Ike conformist Broflovski!!! Ugh! I'm currently outside of the school just hiding my face from humanity. I, Firkle I shall not say my last name, is a disgrace to goths around the world. If I turn into a conformist because of Ike I swear to Cthulhu I'll burn in flames.

I stayed outside the whole school day. I was too embarrassed to go back in and face Ike. Once school was over I walked to the front to try and spot Ike. It was pretty easy, all I had to find was Karen and Tricia, Tricia almost always constantly yells. Ike spotted me and started to walk over my direction. Before he did both his friends whisper something into his ear, his face was red when he walked away from them. What did they tell him?

Ike's p.o.v.

I was about to walk over to Firkle when I was pulled back by my friends and they both whispered something into my ear.

"Go get him tiger." Karen whispered.

"Yeah, go get some goth ass." Tricia smirked to me. I turned red from both of their comments and finally walked over to Firkle.

"H-Hey Firkle!" I smiled to him.

"Hey Ike. Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, where are we going?" I ask him.

"We are headed to my house. It's not too far." He says and starts walking. I walked next to him and we just stayed silent down the sidewalk. The tension felt awkward between us and I really wanted to talk to him.

"So, what have you been up to lately?" I ask Firkle, trying to start a conversation.

"The usual, nothing new." Firkle says and pulls out a cigarette. Once he starts smoking he seemed more relaxed. I didn't know why but I guess it's a stress reliever for him.

"Do you still write your poems?" He slowly nods.

"May I see them? You only ever texted me them so I'd like to actually see them, please?" I ask politely which made Firkle stop in his footsteps.

"You know, you're really polite in real life just like your texts." Firkle grins to me.

"I know, that's how I get what I want." I smirk to Firkle and he rolls his eyes. We sit at a nearby bench and Firkle pulls out a black notebook with a white skull on it. He hands it to me and looks away. Curiously, I open the notebook and flip through the pages. Every page was filled with a dark but poetic quote that Firkle had written. There were some small drawings to go along with the quotes he wrote and his drawings were very artistic.

"W-Wow! Firkle, you have a talent." I say to him even though he still wasn't looking at me. Everything he drew or wrote was like something you'd see in a museum... well if that museum was very dark and gothic and surrounded by a graveyard. I flip to the last page he had wrote on and it was a drawing of me?! Why did he draw me? The drawing looked so life like, he got every detail down. Next to the drawing of me was a quote that said

'Everything is blue
his pills, his hands, his jeans
and now I'm covered in the colors
pulled apart at the seams
and it's blue
and it's blue'

'Everything is grey
his hair, his smoke, his dreams
and now he's so devoid of color
he don't know what it means
and he's blue
and he's blue'

'Everything is blue
Everything is blue
Everything is blue
Everything is blue'

Was this a quote or a song? If it's a song then did Firkle write it? And why did he write this next to a drawing of me? I had so many questions. But in the end I smiled knowing that he was thinking about me while drawing on this page. It's adorable, weird but adorable. Either way I really liked it. I closed the book and handed it to Firkle. He saw that I was done with it and placed the notebook back in his bag. I got up off the the bench and grabbed my bag, a very confused Firkle was looking at me.

"So! Where to next?" I asked Firkle he gave a small smile but quickly dropped it. I think that was the first time he smiled in ever? Heh, the smile was cute on him. Firkle gets up and grabs his bag as well.

"Now, my house." Firkle says and walks off. His house?! Oh god, the creepiness is just starting! What will his room look like? Is his family even there? He never told me anything about his family! What do I even say when they see me? Calm down Ike! Everything will be fine. Just stay calm. I walk along side Firkle and we head to his house.

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