Chapter 2 Since That Day Part 2

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Ike's p.o.v.

Hello! My name is Sir Ike Moisha Broflovski. But you can just call me Ike. I'm Canadian and was adopted by the Broflovski family when I was a baby. I'm 16 and a sophomore at South Park High School. I am also on my schools hockey team and I've been referred to as 'The Jock' in my school. My family is great to me though I don't see my brother much because of him being in college with his Super Best friend/Boyfriend Stan. He does come home to visit sometimes, it's really fun when him and his boyfriend are around!

For being the only Canadian at my school I have a lot of friends. Maybe because of my accent or that I'm a jock. If I was in a movie I'd probably be the typical popular kid but never really liked that sort of role. My main friends being Karen McCormick who lives with her brother, Kenny, because of family issues, Tricia Tucker who's brother, Craig, and boyfriend, Tweak, are also in college, Filmore who is sorta my friend but he bullies people and it's hard to stop him, and Firkle who's a very old friend of mine since kindergarten. Karen and Tricia are a grade higher than me so I didn't really meet them till I was in first grade.

Since I met Firkle it's always been fun texting with him. I wanted to actually talk to him but I think I'd be too awkward around him for multiple reasons. 1 we never really talked in school, 2 I don't know many things about goths and I don't know how everyone would react to me just suddenly talking to him, 3 I'm never in the mood to hear Filmore's mouth more than I have too, and 4... I might grown to have a crush on him. I mean I never had feelings for any other guy and I have had girlfriends before but it just never worked out. But when I talk to Firkle I try my hardest to get to know him and I smile whenever he text me. Then when I see him at school I could feel butterflies in my stomachj. Yeah ok maybe I do have a big crush on the goth but people don't know him like I do. He's grown on me and made me see a different part of the world, a darker side which isn't as creepy or scary as I thought.

He's sometimes poetic when describing things to me about being goth and his sentences are very intriguing every time I read them. He's so interesting and that's what made me like him, though he'd never be with someone like me. To him all he sees is a conformist who he just randomly befriended not like at all. He's probably not even into dudes either and I don't want to say anything that would risk our friendship so let's just keep this a secret between you and me, ok? Thanks!

I need to go to class by the way. I've been needing to text Firkle but I sorta... broke my phone with a hockey puck when I was trying to record myself playing hockey in the backyard for practice two months ago. I don't know how it happened but all I have to say is that I have good aim but bad karma. My parents been meaning to get it fixed and I can't use the computer because my dad is always on his. My old computer broke down a few years ago and I need a new one two. Why does technology hate me all of a sudden? Oh well, maybe I should try talking to Firkle and tell him why I haven't been answering? It's gonna be really awkward but I'll try today during lunch. He's never in the cafeteria during lunch so I think he hangs around in the back of the school. I guess I know where I'm going for lunch.

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