Chapter 11 Date Plans

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Ike's p.o.v.

After my whole fiasco this morning everybody was actually complimenting on the makeup and my outfit, like it was some new trend or something that I have discovered. Thanks to Firkle I wasn't a huge laughing stock. Tricia and Karen even asked me about my whole wardrobe change to which I told them that Firkle helped me. Karen thought it was adorable while Tricia was saying stuff like I was turning goth. I don't think I'm turning goth? It was just for today anyways. Right now everyone was starting to leave school and I was walking with Firkle outside the school on the sidewalk. Firkle always loved the silence but I was never a fan of it so I tried to start up a conversation like always.

"So, aboot yesterday..." I speak, cursing at myself for my canadian accent.

"What aboot yesterday?" Firkle asked, mocking me as he takes a puff from his cigarette. The smoke mixing with the cold air.

"What happened after I left? Did your mom see me or anything?"

"Nope, she doesn't suspect a thing. But I did tell her I was gay..." Firkle says still not looking at me.

"Oh, did she take it well?"

"Yeah she did, we talked... it was actually really good." I looked over to Firkle and saw a small smile tugging at his lips. It must've went better than he thought.

"That's good to hear. So aboot that date?" I smirk looking over to him. His face went red and he turned away.

"W-What about it?" He stutters. Not mocking me anymore.

"I was thinking tomorrow, since it's going to be Saturday, and I come pick you up around 5?"

"Sure, sounds fine." Firkle says trying to keep a usual frowny face on.


What the hell? Firkle and I both looked behind us. We weren't on the road so I don't know who was honking at us. When we turned around I immediately noticed the car. It was Kyle driving with our mom in the passenger seat.

"Hi Ikey! Mommy came to pick you up! I even brought your big brother Kyle!" My Mom yells outside the car. Firkle grins at me but I decided to ignore him. I'm glad she didn't do this while I was still at school. I looked at Kyle and saw that he was just embarrass as I was.

"See you tomorrow Ikey~" Firkle chuckles and walks away.

"Ugh! Don't start using that nickname!" I yell to him as I get into the car and we drive off.

"Who was your little friend Ike?" My mother ask.

"That's my friend Firkle." I say. Kyle snorts when he hears me call Firkle a friend.

"I don't think you ever told me about him? What's he like? And why does he wear all black? Did he encourage you to dress all different today? Ike! Are you in a cult?!" My Mom ask worriedly and Kyle starts laughing like crazy. (I'm writing this in class and laughing my ass off XD)

"No Mom! I'm not in a cult! I wanted to dress like this so Firkle wasn't the only one dressing like this." I half lied, I just really wanted to impress him. "He also wears all black because he's a goth."

"He cuts himself?!" My Mom yells.

"No! That's an emo Mom! A goth don't cut themselves or anything like that. They mostly wear dark clothes and write poems." I tell her half the truth.

"Oh! Didn't Stan go through something like that? Like a goth phase?" My Mom ask Kyle.

"Yeah he did." Kyle says not taking his eyes off the road.

"Are you going through a goth phase too Ike?"

"No Mom, I'm not going through a goth phase."

"You never even answered my first question? What's he like?!" My Mom ask me again. It's sorta hard to answer a question when you're being asked a bunch of other questions!

"He's pretty cool. He's a loner most of the time but he has friends other than me. He's dark but very poetic in his poetry, he's very deep in every word that it's so beautiful when you read it. He acts feminine when it comes to dressing up and looking like a goth but he does have a talent for makeup and poetry. He's just so much more than what you can see on the outside, like a dark and long intriguing book filled with mysteries and secrets." Once I finished I had just realized that I've been talking about Firkle and how I truly felt about him. I could see in the car mirror that Kyle was smirking at me. My face turns red and my mom started to speak again.

"Wow, he sounds very interesting Ike! Does my little Ikey have a crush?"

"What! No!"

"Aww Ike you know I wouldn't care if you were gay. Your brother is and my love with him never changed."

"Yep." Kyle reassured me.

"Well I'm not gay, I'm bisexual."

"Oh ok, and yet I still love you all the same." My Mom smiles to me making me smile back.

"Hey Mom, is it fine if I hang with Firkle tomorrow?"

"Sure honey! Just be back before 10. I don't want you late like how Kyle was."

"I was only late that one time!" Kyle yells making me laugh. We finally get home and I immediately go to my room and prepare for my date with Firkle. I know exactly what to do! It's going to be very special.

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