Chapter 23 Goodbye...

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Firkle's p.o.v.

Today is the day, the day that I'm leaving South Park. I had my bags all packed up for me today. I slowly took my suitcase and carrier down the stairs, my mom was waiting for me outside along with the goths. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I felt a weird feeling at the bottom of my stomach. Like a pit of sadness and despair washed over me. But I ignored it. I continue to carry my luggage to my front door. When I opened the door there stood Ike with Karen and Tricia. I stared at them wide eyed as they all walked in and hugged me.

"You didn't think we wouldn't come and say goodbye to you idiot?" Tricia laughed and Karen giggled.

"Yeah, we're not leaving without one last goodbye." Karen said sadly. Once they pulled away I was face to face with Ike. He walked up to me with tears in his eyes but he tried his best not to cry. I was doing the same. He opened his arms and hugged me tightly, I did the same. It felt like forever and I didn't want to let go.

"I'm gonna miss you." Ike said, his voice cracking.

"I'm gonna miss you too." I reply. "Everything will be ok"

"I know." He nods. "The trip will end as soon as it began." He tells me.

"I'll be back before you know it." I tell him and he smiles. I give him a small smile back and we all walk out my house. I drag my luggage out the house and my mom hugs me I tears.

"Be safe, ok?" My mom spoke in a worried tone. "Yes mom." I smiled and hug her. Once we let go I walk over to Henrietta's car. It felt like I was walking in slow motion towards the car. That sick feeling still stuck in my stomach.

"Ready Firkle?" Michael asked, looking out from the passenger seat of the car. I slowly nodded my head.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I hopped into the car with my luggage, looking out the open window of the car. My mom, Ike, Karen and Tricia all waved goodbye to me with long faces as the car drove out the driveway. My window rolling up to the top as I watch everyone disappear out the corner of my eye. All the goths cheered, ready to be on the road to California. 'I should be happy too. I should be cheering along with them. What's wrong with me?' I had that feeling in my stomach again. But it somehow transferred to my heart, it pained me so much and I didn't know why? 'Am I feeling home sick already? I'm doing what makes me happy right? Im gonna make my dad proud. I'm happy to be with my old friends again. I'm happy to be living with them, right?' I tried to wrap my head around everything. 'Am I doing the right thing? Am I truly happy?'

"The trip has begun everyone!" Henrietta yelled, driving towards the end of my neighborhood. I looked down at my hand and stared at my promise ring. I twisted the ring around my finger, thinking more and more about Ike and our future. The song that reminded me of him played in my head. Then I remembered what Ike had told me.

'The trip will end as soon as it began.' Those words repeated in my head, over and over again. Almost like they're suppose to mean something.

'The trip will end as soon as it began.'

'The trip will end as soon as it began.'

'The trip will end as soon as it began...'

'So why not just end it now?'

"Stop the car." I tell Henrietta.

"What?" Everyone questioned.

"I said stop the car!" I yelled louder. Henrietta stops the car and I race out the door.

"Firkle! Where are you going?!" Henrietta yells after me but I didn't care. I ran as fast as I could back to my house. Everyone was looking at me, confused on what I was doing.

"Firkle?!" Ike yelled. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms. We both held onto each other tightly, not letting go.

"I told you I'd be back before you know it." I smiled and he laughed. I laugh as well as we both shared a loving kiss. 'I'm happy where I am today, with my mom, friends and my boyfriend. And I wouldn't want it any other way. My dad wouldn't want me to be unhappy, he'd want me to be happy with my family.'

'I love Ike.'

'I'm red.'

'He's blue.'

'Together we make purple.'

'And that's all we need.'

Thank you everyone for being here and for reading this. Thanks for sticking with me and this story to the end. I hope you guys are satisfied with the ending as much as I am. Let me know if you guys want me to make any other shipping books from other fandoms, I'll let you know if I'm interested and if I'll do them. That being said, goodbye my lil readers!!

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