Chapter 9 Kyle?!

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Ike's p.o.v.

I finally got home and opened the door. I knew my parents were out running errands so I walked to my room upstairs. What I didn't expect to see is my brother back from college, making out with his boyfriend on his bed with his door wide open. I didn't even know my brother was coming to visit from college today let alone his boyfriend! They were so deep into their make out session they didn't even notice me. My face immediately turned red from embarrassment. I just awkwardly cleared my throat and they immediately turned their heads to me.

"Ike?!" They both yelled and I awkwardly waved to them with my red face.

"Uh, hey Kyle, stan." I say hello to them. Stan awkwardly gets off of Kyle but still sits close to him.

"Kyle, mind if I talk to you about something? It's important." I say leaning on the doorway.

"Sure Ike, what is it?" I questioned. Am I really about to tell him everything?

"First thing is... I'm Bisexual." I tell them and they look a bit surprised.

"Kenny owes me 10 dollars now." Stan chuckles to himself while Kyle lightly punches his shoulder.

"What?" I ask.

"It's nothing." Kyle says glaring at his boyfriend to stop laughing. When he does I open my mouth again.

"Second, I may or may not have had a crush on a boy I'm friends with and sorta... kissed them..." I said awkwardly rubbing my neck.

"You kissed Filmore?!" Kyle yells.

"What? No! Ew!" I yell in surprise. Why would I like that bully let alone kiss him?!

"Then who?" Stan ask.

"Um... Firkle..."

"Firkle?!" Both Stan and Kyle yell standing up now.

"Shh! I don't want the neighborhood to here." I tell them.

"I didn't even know you were friends with Firkle." Stan says surprised.

"Wait wait wait! When did this even happen?!" Kyle questions.

"We've actually been friends since kindergarten and we just had our first kiss like 20 mins ago I think." I tell them. Stan was laughing his ass off while Kyle looked at me in shock. I was blushing all red.

"So uh, what happened after?" Kyle ask trying to make the situation less awkward.

"His mom came home so I had to leave out his window." By now Stan was rolling on the floor laughing. Kyle tried not to laugh.

"You jumped out his window?" Kyle snorted.

"This was a bad idea." I say turning around.

"Wait!" Kyle says grabbing my arm.

"I'm sorry, I want to help you." Kyle smiles making me smile. Stan his finally stop laughing and was sitting on Kyle's bed again. Kyle sat me down next to him on the bed. Kyle sitting in between me and Stan.

"Well, I don't know how to talk to him properly and I don't know much about goths then what he has told me."

"Easy, you got to be interested in dark things including dark makeup and clothing. Writing depressing poems would also work too. Firkle is one of the most deepest people in the group meaning he got his experience from someone." Stan says shocking Kyle and I. Stan looked at us oddly.

"What? I went through a goth phase remember?" Stans said and Kyle nods.

"You went through a goth phase?" I questioned him.

"Oh right. You were probably in kindergarten or first grade at this time." Kyle says and I nod my head.

"If you want to impress Firkle try wearing dark stuff tomorrow and write him a poem. That would be adorable!" Stan fanboys.

"Alright, Thanks Stan! Thanks Kyle." I smile and walk back to my room. Before Kyle shut his door to his room I heard a small conversation coming from inside.

"You're such a dork." Kyle laughs.

"Yeah but I'm your dork." Stan says then the door closes.

I close my bedroom door and put in my earbuds. If they end up having sex I don't want to hear it! While listening to my music I start to rethink what Stan said to me. I need to wear dark clothes, makeup and write a deep poem to Firkle. I get up and rummage through my closet for any dark clothing. This might be harder than I thought. I grab the first dark outfit I could find and dark jewelry. I also had a Jew symbol necklace that I got for my birthday so I might wear that. It was a gift from Kyle before he left to college so I like to wear it sometimes. I grabbed some dark makeup from my moms room and laid everything out on my chair and desk. Ok! I have everything but a poem... I don't know how to write a poem!

I grab a notebook and pencil and tried to think on my bed. Ok Ike, just think of dark stuff that Firkle might like. Dark things.... dark words... Random ideas appeared in my head and I wrote it all down on the paper. I continued till I got a couple of sentences down then a full dark poem. Not too bad for a beginner, if I do say so myself!


I swear to god! They're louder than my fucking music! I turned up the volume to high and placed a pillow over my head to block any other sound which barely works. Welp, might as well get some sleep.

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