Chapter 19 Firkle's Birthday

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Firkle's p.o.v.

Today is my birthday, May 20th, I'm 16 and my mom decided to take me out to the goth store to get me something from there. She always has trouble with what to get me for my birthday so we decided I get something from the goth store then pretend like it's just a regular day. At the end of the day we eat chocolate cupcakes together and watch horror movies until early morning the next day. It's not very big or eventful on my birthday but that's how I like it. We have done anything big since... my dad. Anyways, my mom and I are heading out the house now. We got in the car and drove out of our driveway and to the goth store. Yep, it's just going to be another regular birthday.

Ike's p.o.v.

"Ok! Just got the text that they left, let's go!" I tell my friends as we enter Firkle's house. We have been planning this party for a few weeks now with Jennifer, she was so excited that we were planning a surprise party for Firkle that she wanted to help as well. Jennifer told me it's been a while since Firkle had a proper birthday party so this might make him happy, hopefully. Once inside we grabbed the supplies from her cabinet and immediately started to put up all the decorations, balloons and snacks. We even brought in a karaoke machine.

"Where should we put the gifts?" Karen asked.

"Well the food is going on the island along with the cake so put the gifts on the dining table." I answer.

"Hey Ike, who else did you invite?" Tricia asked.

"It's mostly going to be us. Firkle's friends couldn't make it sadly since they were busy with something school related but they had already sent him their gifts." I said and Tricia nodded. I wonder what they had to do that was so important?

Once we had everything set up within two hours we all turned off the lights of the house and waited till a car pulled up. We were all hiding, getting ready to surprise Firkle. The door opened slowly and when Jennifer turned on the light we all jumped out and screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Firkle jumped from fear but then looked all around the house in shock. There was a banner, confetti, party hats but everything wasn't colorful. It was all black with red writing on everything. It was a gothic birthday party.

"Y-You guys did all this?" Firkle asked, his eyes and mouth wide open.

"Yeah, we wanted to do something special for your birthday. Do you like it?" I asked Firkle. He nodded his head, still in shock and we all cheered.

"I'll be right back! I gotta go get my camera." Jennifer said before rushing upstairs. Firkle then walked up to me and hugged me.

"You didn't have to do this you know?" He said.

"I know but I wanted to, it's you after all." I smiled and he smiled back.

"Ike, give him his gift now." Karen said.

"Yeah Ike, do it now." Tricia said, hitting my shoulder softly.

"Do what?" Firkle questioned. I've been debating if I should really do this. We only been together for 7 months but Firkle is my everything.

"Well, Firkle I've been debating what gift to give you for a while and I think I found the right one." I said before pulling out a small, black box. Firkle stared at me even in more shock and opened his mouth to say something.

"Before you say anything! It's not what you think, well not yet anyway." I said, he closed his mouth confused. I opened the box and inside was a black ring.

"I think that's exactly what I think." Firkle said. "Well it's not, it's a promise ring." I said before taking the ring out the box.

"I know we haven't been dating for long but we've been friends for so many years and I already want to spend the rest of my life with you. This is just a promise ring, a promise that in the future, one day, I will make you mine forever. Do you accept Firkle?" I ask him. Firkle stares at the ring in disbelief before nodding his head with pricks of tears in his eyes. I gently grab Firkle's hand and place the ring on his finger. We stared at each other, with smiles on our faces.

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