Chapter 17 Summer Time

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Ike's p.o.v.

The school year has ended and summer has began! So far I've been spending it with my boyfriend and my friends. We all been hanging out a lot more since the girls started to get use to Firkle. Lots of stuff changed the past few months. Tricia asked out Karen on Valentine's Day which was really surprising since Tricia hates being cheesy like her brother Craig but it seemed to make Karen happy. I'm happy for them, they look great together.

A few weeks ago, Firkle and I got in a small argument for something I did.

~~~A Few Weeks Ago~~~ (Spoilers if you haven't seen the new South Park Episodes)

Third Person p.o.v.

Ike and his friends and boyfriend were hanging out like usual, walking down the streets of South Park when Ike pulled something out of his pocket. A vape.

"Ike, is that a vape?" Tricia asked. Ike nods as he puts the vape in his mouth.

"Ike! I thought you stopped vaping last year?" Karen questioned.

"I did but I found my old vape and I started again." Ike said nonchalantly.

"Pussy." Firkle snickered to himself as Ike gives him a glare.

"What did you say?" Ike asked, staring directly at Firkle.

"Nothing pussy." Firkle said making the girls laugh.

"Who are you calling a pussy?!"

"You, with that pussy stick in your mouth." Firkle grinned playfully.

"He's right Ike. Why not try weed? Getting high is way better than some pussy stick." Tricia suggests.

"Tricia!" Karen yells

"What? I'm not wrong."

"Or why not cigarettes?" Firkle suggests.

"Because cigarettes cause lung cancer, vapes are safer." Ike explains.

"Vapes still have nicotine in them!" Firkle says.

"Not mine!" Ike argues back.

"Why not do nothing? That's a lot safer!" Karen suggests, trying to reason with them.

"No offense Karen, but people do these things to help them relax and calm their minds." Firkle tells her.

"It's true babe, haven't you ever tried something that helped you feel calmer?" Tricia ask. Karen thinks for a sec before replying "I draw to help keep me calm." Everyone shakes their head.

"Baby steps babe." Tricia says making Karen smile.

"Well I'm still gonna vape." Ike tells them.

"Go ahead faggot." Tricia says playfully.

"Hey I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is."

"Shut up Ike!" Firkle yells, shoving Ike playfully. Everyone laughs and continues on hanging out.

~~~End Of Flashback~~~

Anyways, everything been good with me and Firkle so far. I love being with him and he's still trying to get use to me and the girls but other than that he loves us. By the way, Firkle's birthday is coming up and I want to throw him a surprise party! I'm planning it with his mom and she's excited about it. Oh! I totally forgot to mention, Jennifer knows about us. Yeah, she found out one day. I was walking Firkle home from school and I kissed him before he left through his front door. He soon texted me saying his mom found out about us and was now teasing him about it. His text only made me laugh and smile. I told my parents soon after and because of that my mom invited Firkle to dinner which is a story for another time. I'm still trying to think of the best gift to give Firkle but I'm still having trouble with that. I just hope he likes whatever I get him.

Hey everyone!! So sorry that it took so long to write a chapter. I had writers block for a little while on what this chapter should be about but I think this chapter turned out well. Sorry that it was short, I didn't have a lot to mention about but next chapter should have more detail. I now know what to post for the next chapter and I'm sorry to say but this book will probably end soon unless I get more ideas on what to do for chapters. If you have any ideas please leave comments but until then I hope you guys liked this chapter. Bye bye!!

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