Chapter 5 A Date?!

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Ike's p.o.v.

I was having a chat at the lunch table with my friends Tricia and Karen. They were gossiping something about boys but honestly I couldn't pay attention. My mind just kept drifting off to Firkle. I shouldn't be thinking about him knowing that he doesn't like me in that way. I really should get over this stupid crush but whenever I think or talk to him I get really happy and I just can't think straight. He make me smile and I'm always so interested in our conversations. I could talk to him for hours, which I have done before. No Ike! You're just gonna get your hopes up! Be glad that you and Firkle are at least friends, you don't want to ruin that do you?

Right on cue that's when I heard footsteps heading my way. The footsteps came closer and closer till they just stopped right next to me. Tricia and Karen seemed to have stopped their conversation and saw who was behind me. I turned and saw Firkle, standing their with his head down and his eyes staring at the floor.

"Hey Firkle." I greeted to him with a smile but he didn't look up.

"Do you want to hangout later?" Firkle asked me quickly which caught me off guard. At least I understood what he said.

"Uh sure. I'd love too." I smiled again and saw that Firkle's face was turning a bit red.

"C-Cool, see you after school." Firkle said before swiftly turning his heel and fast walking out the building. No one seem to notice that Firkle was in the building. No one but Tricia and Karen.

"That was weird? He wants to hang out with you?! Why?!" Tricia questioned me.

"I hope he's alright, his face was all red. He seemed sick." Karen said, kindly hoping the goth boy wasn't ill.

I myself was confused as well. I'm actually going to hang out with Firkle for once?! Oh god!

"Hello! Brain dead Ike?! Is anyone in there?!" Tricia yelled, waving her hands in my face. I finally snapped out of my trance.

"Oh... sorry. Um, I actually have something to tell you guys..." I say awkward. Both Tricia and Karen lean in to listen to me. "I-I... I've been talking to Firkle since kindergarten and I may have a small crush on him." I say in one breath. They both look at me wide eyed.

"What?!" Tricia almost screamed across the cafeteria.

"Shh! I don't want anyone else to know." I whisper to her.

"That explains his stuttering, red face and very little eye contact!" Karen states excitedly, confusing me.

"What do you mean?" I ask Karen.

"He's crushing on you." Karen smiles making me blush. What?! T-That's not true!

"Hold on! I'm still trying to process this. Since when were you going to tell us?" Tricia ask me.

"I was soon I just didn't want you guys to judge me." I said nervously.

"Ike, that's my job." Tricia said then Karen elbows her. "Ouch, I'm kidding." She says.

"What she means is. We wouldn't judge you for who you like Ike. We are still and will always be your friends." Karen said nicely making me feel a bit better. "Thanks Karen." I smile to her which she returns. "Anyways, I never really ever hanged out with Firkle before. We only ever texted." I tell them.

"Really Ike? Since kindergarten!" Tricia questions me again.

"I've been nervous to talk to him ok!" I exclaimed.

"It's probably not even a hang out." Tricia said.

"What do you mean?" I question her now.

"I'm pretty sure no one acts like that just to hang out with someone. It's probably a date." She states.

"A date?!" Both me and Karen yell making people look at us.

"Yeah. He's probably gonna show you some of his creepy emo stuff and suck the blood from your neck." Tricia joked. Both Karen and I roll our eyes.

"He's not an emo nor a vampire. He's a goth." I state.

"What's the difference?" Tricia ask but I just shrugged my shoulders.

Soon the bell rings and we all leave to our classes but I couldn't stop thinking about what Tricia said. A date? Did he really ask me out on a date? No... it's just a regular hangout. Nothing more.

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