Chapter 16 Holidays

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Ike's p.o.v.

It's the holidays and school is out because of Christmas break. Firkle and I have been dating since October 6 so this will be our first Christmas break together! I'm so excited! I already have my present for him and I can't wait to give it to him Christmas Eve! Since I'm Jewish my family doesn't really celebrate Christmas, we celebrate Hanukkah. But Firkle's family celebrates Christmas so I decided to get him a gift anyways. Firkle doesn't really like being festive but maybe I can get him into the Christmas mood. I was on my way to his house with my gift in my hand. It was around 1 in the afternoon and I needed to get home later for dinner with my family. I walk up to his house and knock on the door, waiting for him to answer. I didn't tell him I was coming because I wanted it to be a surprise. After a moment the door open and appeared a young woman.

"Oh! Uh, hello." I woman said looking down at me. She must be Firkle's mom but she's so very different from Firkle.

"Hello, is Firkle home?" I asked her.

"Firkle? Oh! Georgie." She said making me a little confused.

"Georgie?" I asked. Who's Georgie?

"Yeah, that's Firkle's real name. Georgie Smith. Are you a friend of his?" She ask me. His real name?

"Uh yeah, my name is Ike Broflovski." I tell her.

"Oh! I know you! Georgie talks about you from time to time. It's so glad to finally meet you!" She says nicely as she holds her hand out. I give her a proper hand shake and smile to her.

"It's nice to finally meet you too, Firkle's mom." I smile brightly.

"The names Jones, Jennifer Jones but please, call me Jennifer. Come in! You must be cold." She said leading me inside to the kitchen. I close the door behind me and follow her. I take a seat on one of the chairs in front of the small island in the kitchen. (it's a counter disconnected from the rest of the counters in the kitchen. It's usually in the middle of the kitchen and is sometimes called an island)

"I heard that you've been friends with Georgie since kindergarten, that true?" She ask while getting a cup of coffee for herself.

"Yeah, but we would mostly talk through Twitter and now instagram." I tell her and she nods.

"It was so weird when I started to hear Georgie talk about you. Mostly he would bring his goth friends over, I never thought he had such a bright and happy friend." She said making me smile.

"Heh, yeah. I introduced him to my group of friends and he seems to like them."

"That's great! I'm glad to hear that he has some other friends at school, I was getting worried that something bad was happening because of him being the only goth there now." Jennifer says taking a sip from her cup.

"I don't know why Firkle never talk about you, you seem like a cool parent." I say making her smile.

"Why thank you Ike! But honestly, I was never the favorite parent. His father took that title." She says looking down at her drink with a soft smile.

"Firkle never really told me much about his family, what is his father like? What does he do?" I ask her politely.

"Well, he was a goth too. We met at a cafe called Dark Skies, I use to work there and he'd come in everyday." She smiled to herself. Now I know why Firkle likes that place! It makes so much sense.

"He use to call me a conformist too but he still came back everyday just to see me." She smirked making me chuckle a bit. "Since he was always so nervous around me I had to be the one to ask him out, he accepted and the rest was history. We had Georgie and he taught him everything he needed to know to be a goth, he was the best parent to him." She smiled more until I turned into a frown.

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