✨Homecoming Part One✨

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Homecoming Wikipedia definition:

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Homecoming Wikipedia definition:

Homecoming is an annual tradition in the United States. People, towns, high schools, and colleges come together, usually in late September or early October, to welcome back alumni and former residents. It is built around a central event, such as a banquet or dance and, most often, a game of American football. When celebrated by schools, the activities vary widely. However, they usually consist of a football game played on a school's home football field, activities for students and alumni, a parade featuring the school's choir, marching band, and sports teams, and the coronation of a homecoming queen (and at many schools, a homecoming king). A dance commonly follows the game or the day following the game.

The Barrymore cafeteria had been transformed into a Hollywood red carpet scene to match the theme of Homecoming which was, A Hollywood Affair. The details and decorations were orchestrated by Student Council and some of the faculty.

Teachers stood posted on every corner of the school, making sure to to keep watch over all the students so that they could be chaperoned accordingly.

Teachers stood posted on every corner of the school, making sure to to keep watch over all the students so that they could be chaperoned accordingly

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