✨Pure Confusion✨

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"What do you mean he quit?" Trey paced his bedroom, looking out the blinds, while holding his phone to his ear

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"What do you mean he quit?" Trey paced his bedroom, looking out the blinds, while holding his phone to his ear.

"Exactly what I said! He quit nigga. Do I need to spell the shit out for you?" Cassandra yelled, her screeching vocals piercing through his ear.

"Fuck," Trey cursed under his breathe, running his hands down his face.

"Now would you leave me the hell alone? Damn!" She spat, before the line suddenly went dead.

Trey scoffed, realizing she had hung up in his face. Ever since he had gotten arrested and fired from his job at Barrymore, Trey had pulled some strings in the background to get in touch with old coworkers who gave him the scoop of what was going on at Barrymore. He knew all about his replacement Mr. Michael B. Jordan who was now the alpha and omega of the school. But his main interest in keeping up with the shenanigans since his absence was because he was looking to take Chris down with him.

Trey knew his case wasn't looking good on his end and unless he got Yara to not testify against him he was gonna be looking at a prison wall for a few years.

Trey had been secretly following Chris's whereabouts closely for the past couple of weeks, trying to find some type of dirt on him. He felt like he had finally hit the jackpot when he followed Chris to Waffle House where he met up with one of his students Robyn.

Trey recognized her from the strip club and from seeing her in the hallway occasionally at Barrymore. He also knew Robyn was the girl Chris hooked up with back in college. Trey took pictures of the two that night sending them in anonymously to Barrymore, insinuating that Chris and Robyn had an inappropriate relationship going on. He didn't have solid proof, but he knew the pictures were enough evidence to get Prinicpal Jordan fired up to investigate since he was so staunch on deadening any teacher student relationships at Barrymore.

But with Chris suddenly quitting, he was back at square one. Unless Chris went back to Barrymore or tried to get a  job at another school, the investigation was dead.

Ding! Dong!

Trey tossed his phone to the side, running down to the stairs to answer the door. He inwardly rolled his eyes seeing it was Vanessa. She had Royalty with her as well.

He begrudgingly answered the door. "Why are you here?"

"Are you serious?" Vanessa looked at him like he had five heads. "I'm here so you can spend time with your daughter you idiot!" She stepped inside, taking off her coat and helping Royalty out of hers.

The word daughter made Trey cringe.

"Yeah whatever. She still isn't used to me," Trey bent down, trying to touch Royalty but she ran away from him in response, clinging to Vanessa's leg. "See?"

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