Chapter 14

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The hour long ride is almost completely silent.

"Sierra, we are sorry, but we just want you to get better." My mom says as we pull up to the building.

"I don't need to get better." I tell her. "I just want to be home." I add, tears streaming down my face.

"Sierra, we know you don't think this is necessary, but it is." My dad tells me.

"No it isn't. Please, don't leave me here." I beg them.

"We need to, we need you to get better, we cannot lose you, Sierra." My dad tells me.

"Please, just don't tell everyone where I am. It is bad enough you already called someone and told them I was in the hospital." I tell them.

Why did they have to tell Justin?

"Sierra, we saw that he kept messaging you, that he was worried, so we thought that maybe if anyone could help you it would be your secret boyfriend." My mother tells me.

"Justin isn't my boyfriend, mom." I defend.

Even though he kind of told me he wishes he was.

He was just saying that though.

"I know that, Sierra. But he really does care about you." My mom tells me.

"And he is really cute." Hannah adds.

"She doesn't need a boyfriend, especially not now, or ever." My over protective dad chimes in.

"You are right, but if she were to get a boyfriend, I hope she chooses him." My mom argues back.

"But shes not getting a boyfriend." My dad argues back.

"I know you liked him." My mom says to my dad.

"He was fine, but she doesn't need a boyfriend." My dad fights back.

"Mom, dad." I jump in.

"Sorry, we should probably get inside." My mom says to us all.

"Did you tell anyone else?" I ask her. "My friends? Any family?" I elaborate.

"Not yet. Your friends do keep texting you though, Sierra, especially because you are missing school today, and we need to tell everyone eventually." She tells me.

"Please, don't tell them everything." I beg.

I don't want even more pity.

"Sierra, we can't hide it from them, what do you want us to tell them then? They are worried about you." My Dad says to me.

"You know what? I don't even care anymore. I never did. Just tell everyone, I don't even care." I let them know.

"Sierra, we need you to at least try, try and get better." My Mom says to me.

"Why are you even trying here?" I ask. "It's pointless." I let them know.

"You are sick, Sierra. You have these crazy ideas in your head. You have managed to convince yourself that you need to look a certain way. You need to get back up to a healthy weight to survive." My Mom tells me.

"I don't want to gain weight. I don't want to be fat." I cry.

"You are going to end up dead if you don't get help." My Dad snaps at me.

"I'd rather be dead than fat." I snap at him.

The car just goes silent for a few moments.

"You don't really mean that, Sierra." My mom tells me.

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