Chapter 13

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I lay on my hospital bed, facing opposite of the door.

I don't want to see anyone, especially not my parents.

I don't need help.

I don't need to be sent away.

"Sierra?" I hear a voice say as they enter the room.

"Why are you even here?" I ask him.

Who invited Justin?

Who even told him I was here?

"Your parents asked me to come." He told me as he sits in one of the chairs I am facing.

"So, you are only here because they asked you to come?" I ask him.

Why did he even bother coming here?

"No, Sierra, I came to see you because I wanted to." He tells me.

"To tell me, 'I told you so' or, 'I said that you were going to end up dead'?" I ask him.

He probably just wants to brag that he was right.

"Sierra, no. I never said any of that to prove I was right or anything like that. I said it because I thought that maybe it would scare you into getting better or something." He admits to me.

"I don't need to get help, because I don't have a problem." I tell him.

"Yes you do, Sierra. Do you even see yourself right now? You weigh so little, you are in the hospital for starving yourself." He tells me.

"I did what I had to. I'm fine now. You sound just like my parents." I tell him as I roll my eyes.

"Because your parents are right, Sierra. You need help." He tells me.

"You talked to them then?" I ask him.

"Yes, I did, and your dad is kind of terrifying." He tells me.

"He's really nice though." I defend.

My dad may be a little scary, but he is really nice once you get to know him.

"They are worried about you Sierra." Justin tells me, as if I didn't know.

"I don't know why they are so worried." I tell him. "There is nothing wrong with me."

"They care about you Sierra, they just want what is best for you." He lets me know.

"Did they tell you what they were doing? They are sending me away. They are just giving me to someone else to fix a problem I don't have. Can you believe them? Thy are just sending me away." I rant to him.

"I know you don't want to hear this, but, I think they are right." He says to me.

"Why is everyone so against me?" I ask him as I finally start to cry.

"Sierra, I know you don't realize this now, but no one is against you, we all just want to help you, we just want what's best for you." He tells me.

"You don't know what's best for me." I argue. "None of this is necessary, nothing is even wrong. I'm just getting sent away for who knows how long for no reason."

"Sierra, you need help. We all just want you to be healthy." He tells me.

"Why do you even care so much? Ever since you started talking to me all you could focus on are these problems I don't even have. Why do even care about me so much?" I ask him.

He didn't even talk to me until I thought I had a problem.

"Sierra, the day to bumped into me in class, then when we had that conversation, I realized how great you were to talk to, so I just kept making conversation with you. But after a while, I realized something wasn't right. First, you fainted, then you acted weird when I mentioned food, and I saw how small you were getting, I mean you were always small, but you were just getting smaller and smaller. I realized all these signs are linked to anorexia. Then, I realized that I cared about you, that I want you to be healthy. You don't deserve any of this Sierra." He tells me.

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