Chapter 24

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After putting my car in park, I turn it off.

I just sit there for a few minutes before finally getting out.

I mentally prepare myself for all the stares before walking towards the school.

I just didn't come back after winter break, and now here I am, back with only two weeks of school left.

Upon entering the school I am immediately greeted by Jenna, Kendra, Clare, Elise, and Abigail.

The five of them all hug me and tell me how happy they are that I even came back for the last two weeks.

Why did my mom not give me the option to just not come back to classes?

At first I was excited to come back, to actually be able to finish high school with everyone else, but now I am dreading all these stares.

When I see Justin in the hallway he gives me a quick hug before we each head to class.

All morning everyone asks me where I was, and I just have to tell them I was really sick.

"Ready for lunch, Sierra?" Justin asks me after our final morning class.

It's been a long time since I have had a meal with someone other than my family, outside of rehab.

I stare down at the plate of food.

He's just going to watch me the entire time.

This is way too awkward.

"Sierra, are you okay?" Justin asks me, obviously noticing me not touching my food.

"I'm fine." I lie.

"Are you sure?" He questions.

"Yes." I assure him, picking up a slice of apple.

He just watches me as I take the smallest bite I possibly can, then chew it for a minute.

"So, what are you doing after we graduate?" I ask, curious about his college plans, and trying to make conversation.

"I'm going to stay local for the first two years and just get the basics out of the way, then probably go away after." He explains to me. "What about you?" He replicates the question.

"Do you really need to ask that?" I question. "My Mom would never let me go away at this point. She doesn't trust me." I explain to him.

"Sierra, I don't think that's true." He tells me.

"She is making you watch me eat right now." I point out.

"Sierra, she just wants to make sure you are eating." He tells me.

"Which she doesn't trust me to do on my own." I point out.

"Sierra, she just cares about you, she just wants you to be healthy again." He tells me.

I take another bite of the apple slice.

He is watching me eat.

He is watching me gain weight and get fat.

I don't want him to see me like this.

I want him to like me.

"Sierra, you are doing great." He encourages.

"Will you stop acting like eating is some sort of challenge I have to complete?" I tell at him.

After realizing that might not have been the best thing to do, I decide I should probably apologize.

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