Chapter 20

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When I finally finish sitting alone in that room, I have already missed visiting hours and conversing time, so, I just head back to my room.

When I arrive in our room, I see Kayla packing, new bags rest on the floor beside her.

"No." I say to her upon realizing what is happening.

"Sorry, Sierra." She apologizes.

"Kayla, you are the one person keeping me sane here, I need you." I tell my roommate.

"Sorry, Sierra, but they are letting me leave, you will do fine without me." She assures me.

"Kayla, how? I need you here to help me." I beg her to stay.

She has been the person to help me here the most so far.

"Sierra, I have to go." She tells me, zipping up her bag. "Your new roommate is already here, you will make it through this Sierra, trust me. You are better than anorexia, you can do this. And if you won't get better for you, at least do it for your family, your parents, your sister, your friends, Justin." She says to me before giving me a hug goodbye.

At that, Kayla takes her belongings and walks out the door.

I sit in silence for about five minutes before the door opens.

In walks a girl, the first thing I notice is that she has nearly a foot on my height.

She has brown eyes and hair of a similar shade.

"I'm Taylor." The girl says to me.

"I am Sierra." I tell her.

"How long have you been stuck here for so far?" She questions.

"Not even a week." I inform her.

"I guess we will be stuck with each other for a while then." Taylor jokes, unpacking her bags.

"I suppose so." I say in response.

"Sierra, can you come with me?" Jamie asks after just bursting into our room.

I follow Jamie as she takes me to a doctor's office.

"Sierra, nice to see you again." Dr. Roth says as she sees me.

She leads me over to a scale.

"Okay, Sierra." Dr. Roth starts as I sit down. "I think you may be able to be out by June, if we keep your weight goal as it is." She says to me.

Six more months here.

I have at least another six more months here.

"Six more months?" I question.

"Sierra, gaining weight takes time, and we need you at a safe weight before you leave, seventy five is already pushing it." She lets me know.

"What about school?" I ask her.

I cannot push my education out of the way because I am stuck here.

"Sierra, your parents are currently figuring that out, you should be able to stay on track to graduate while being here." She informs me.

What will everyone at school think when they realize that I am not simply on an extended vacation?

Will everyone know about me?

Will they find out that I am stuck in rehab?

What will they say to me when I suddenly reappear in a few months?

"Will this get easier, being here?" I ask her.

"Sierra, it will never be easy, but the longer you are here, the more you will learn. I can tell you are going to take longer than most to adjust, but soon you will. Our goal here is to make you healthy, Sierra, we don't want you to end up dead or anything bad." She says.

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