Chapter 19

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Five full days and two partial days.

That is how long I have been there.

Every meal just gets worse.

My first breakfast here has so far been the only time I have been in that room with other people after a meal.

It seems to just take me longer to eat every meal that is put in front of me.

They have improved their food options to be more suitable for my diet.

Meaning every meal is closer to everyone else's.

Meaning every meal contains more calories each time.

I have yet to entirely finish a meal.

And I am not sure if I will ever reach that point.

I asked Jamie to not sit with me here after breakfast.

I told her I needed a little bit of alone time.

As alone as I can be with someone staring at me through a window.

I stare at my legs.

Shorts day.

Why must this be a thing?

Upon discovering none of my shorts fit, Jamie rushed to find a pair that do.

Here I was thinking I could get out of this.

I was hoping to never wear shorts again.

No one needs to see me in shorts.

No one needs to actually see the skin on my legs.

The skin that covers an endless amount of fat.

Luckily they allow wearing a long sleeve top, so I guess this could have been worse.

However, all the tops I have, or all the tops anyone here has, are rather short, meaning the shirt cannot act as more of a dress.

The entirety of the incredibly short shorts and all of my legs can be seen.

I wish I was anywhere but here.

I wish I was home.

I wish I was sitting in my bedroom right now.

I wish I was in school, listening to a teacher go on about nothing.

I wish I was with Justin, laughing with him as he teased me, or even crying as he confronts me.

I miss spending time with him.

My family was right, he is really nice.

But were they right when they said he wasn't a liar?

"Miss Stevens, a visitor is here for you." The lady watching me says as she enters the room.

I enter the visiting room, expecting to see my parents waiting for me.

Instead, Justin Allen sits in front of me.

Slowly I walk over to him.

I sit down next to him, putting my feet up on the chair with me.

I don't want him to see my legs.

I don't want him to see all my fat.

"You came." I say to him.

"Obviously, Sierra, how could I not?" He questions with a smile.

"Have people been talking about me at school?" I ask him.

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