The Bride

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My beautiful readers, I'm back...a new story, again... fictional, fictional, fictional... basta enjoy reading... I'm not a writer, I mean not legit 😜 trying hard lang.. LOL 😂 forgive me po sa mga errors.


The wedding is all set and it will happen in two months, Carmaine Dei Mendez is going to marry the man that was groomed to be her future husband. They know each other, they were childhood playmates, he's 3 years older, but, they're not in love with each other.... yet..

Carmaine Dei Mendez

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Carmaine Dei Mendez

It's a marriage between two family who don't want their riches and wealth to be shared with anyone else. The Mendez' owns a lot of franchises in the Philippines and abroad. They own buildings that are rented out to huge businesses.

Ronaldo and Alicia Mendez are Carmaine's parents. While Ronaldo is busy running the business, Alicia is occupied with her House of Fashion, she's a known fashion designer in Asia. They have four children and Carmaine is the youngest and the only one single in the family.

Ronaldo and Alicia Mendez

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Ronaldo and Alicia Mendez

She went to school in the US but opt to take higher education in the Philippines. She knew about the arrange marriage, she agreed to it with a signed condition of not having intercourse, no coercion on either both side, until she fell for the groom and vice versa. Both families agreed to the condition.

A courtship will take place if they both fell in love with each other, it should come naturally not forced, and it has to be two ways-and if love doesn't blossom with neither of them, the marriage will be dissolved

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A courtship will take place if they both fell in love with each other, it should come naturally not forced, and it has to be two ways-and if love doesn't blossom with neither of them, the marriage will be dissolved.

The Groom...

Arman Benitez is a young handsome man who's known to be a player

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Arman Benitez is a young handsome man who's known to be a player. He's a pilot by profession. His parents, Hernan and Dorina Benitez owns an airline and beach resorts in the country and he's the only child.

 His parents, Hernan and Dorina Benitez owns an airline and beach resorts in the country and he's the only child

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Hernan and Dorina Benitez

He agreed to the marriage cause he knows for sure that he won't fall for her childhood playmate, he just wanted to prove to his family that arranged marriages doesn't work for everybody, and that feelings has to be taken into consideration, plus there's a signed agreement between two families..

The Meet Up

The Mendez and the Benitez met up for dinner to discuss the big event that will soon happen in a few months. While they're busy discussing the wedding, Arman and Carmaine was left alone in the garden...

Carmaine: So, are you sure about this?
Arman: Are you?
Carmaine: I guess...
Arman: Let's just be prepared, I know that you don't like this idea as well but trying it out won't hurt and maybe in the long run we can prove our parents something...
Carmaine: That arranged marriages is outdated?
Arman: Let's face it, in this millennial era, it still do exist and that's why we have conditions, right? Our parents just doesn't want to share their wealth, they're selfish, agree?

Carmaine Dei couldn't agree more with Arman..and just throw a big smile at him

Meanwhile, the two didn't even notice that they are being watched by their parents from a distance.

Dorina: Look at them, they look so good together... sana magkagustuhan silang dalawa...

Alicia: Yan din ang wish ko... crossed fingers

Carmaine: Hi Ma, Tita Dorina, kanina pa po ba kayo dyan?

Alicia: No Sweetheart, we just need some fresh air..

It was a long night for Carmaine Dei and she just wishes that it will be over and done with.

And for Arman, he is more anxious to leave.

Their parents are still busy discussing about the wedding.

Carmaine: Arman, isn't it too much to have this extravagant wedding tapos if it doesn't work, mahihirapan tayong i dissolve ang marriage, plus walang divorce dito sa Pilipinas..

Arman: Hhhmmm, So what would you suggest to do, all out na sila sa wedding natin..

Carmaine: Di ba may GF ka na taga Ireland?
Are you still in touch with her? I mean...

Arman interrupted her..

Arman: We still talk, she knows everything...and we don't formally broken up...

He looked at Carmaine Dei....

Arman: Sorry, Carms
Carmaine: No need to apologize... ok lang..

Carmaine: Why don't we talk to our parents?
Arman: About what?
Carmaine: To take it easy on the wedding, keep it low key..what do you think?
Arman: We can try...

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