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After the settlement has been made with Mrs Bitug's divorce case, Rix accepted his father's invitation to watch him perform on stage in New York.
Ariel Jay Richards is a well known stage actor in broadway, and the only Filipino who's been recognized for his greatness in acting by fellow broadway peers.

Ariel Jay Richards is a well known stage actor in broadway, and the only Filipino who's been recognized for his greatness in acting by fellow broadway peers

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JFK Airport

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JFK Airport

Ariel gave his son a tight hug when he saw him  coming out of  sliding door of JFK airport...

Ariel: Son, you're finally here..hahaha..
Rix: Dad..
Ariel: How's the weather in Norway?
Rix: Comfortable..
Ariel: Your mother will arrive tomorrow..come, let's settle you in... and grab a quick lunch and have a picnic at Central Park..
Rix: I like that, Dad..

Father and son went on their way home so Rix can freshen up..

Rix: Wow, Dad, I actually forgotten how your apartment here in NYC looks like

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Rix: Wow, Dad, I actually forgotten how your apartment here in NYC looks like...
Ariel: Well, my very first ever purchased with my blood and sweat... as an actor..your mother and I can't give this up, this is our first home, ok... you know where your room is...
Rix: Thanks Dad..


Ariel: How was that wedding you attended in Thailand..
Rix: It's Arman's wedding, Dad...
Ariel: Ah, hahaha, yeah... of course...Arman..that rich boy buddy of yours...
Rix: It was great... I met a girl and...
Ariel: And? Come on Son, spill...
Rix: I met a girl, I liked her a lot but we just decided not to ...(he sighed) long distance relationship is not easy...
Ariel: This is not one of those random...

Rix interrupted what his Father is about to say...

Rix: No, Dad!
Ariel: I see, I'm sorry for being presumptuous

Rix just looked at his Dad with so much weary in his eyes...

Rix just looked at his Dad with so much weary in his eyes

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Ariel: She must be a very special girl...
Rix: Sorry Dad.. I didn't mean to react that way..
Ariel: Don't apologize... whatever it is, I hope you'll do something about it...
Rix: I am Dad, I'm just waiting for the right time..I don't want to repeat the same mistakes..
Ariel: Hey, that's no fault of your own, it's better that it didn't happen...yeah, a lot of people got affected by the situation but people learned to move on and you should too, Rix...
Rix: I moved on Dad, but this fear of commitment... I mean if I were to pursue this girl I want to be ready, without any reservation...

Ariel: Son, when you're not being honest with your heart, the pain you feel will give you your answer

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Ariel: Son, when you're not being honest with your heart, the pain you feel will give you your answer..and maybe, maybe, it will all be clear to you...
Rix: Maybe one day, we'll see each other day Dad...

Back in Canada 🇨🇦

Yaying: Carms, my husband and I got this two tickets for a show in New York, pero hindi mahilig si Peter sa mga broadway shows eh...
Carmaine: I can go with you...
Yaying: Naku Nak, paano?  Two days din tayo bibiyahe by bus puntang NYC... ilang araw ka pa ba rito?
Carmaine: Bus? No, We're flying Yaying, my treat, it's been awhile since I've been to NYC, kahit 3 days lang tayo, we'll stay at the Plaza..
Yaying: Naku naman Carms baka may iba kang aasikasuhin dito...

Carmaine gave her Nanny Yaying a hug..

Carmaine: I miss you Yaying, let's just go, ok?
Now, tell me what's this show is all about?
Yaying: Hindi sya musical, it's a play at balita ko sikat na Pinoy daw ang lead actor..
Carmaine: I'd like to see that Yaying at talagang Pinoy ha... ? it's going to be fun... and memorable din sana...

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