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Carmaine and her Mother Alicia went to check out the newly opened Coffee Shop owned by the  Benitez.

Alicia: Wow, whoever did the design on this coffee shop must have an eye for beauty and artistic mind, very rustic and laid back feel... what do you think my darling Carmaine?
Carmaine: It's really nice Mom, Tita Dorina has taste, very millennial... I'll just go to the Lady's room Mom, excuse me...

Rix arrived at the coffee shop, he's meeting Arman there and he spotted a woman that looks so familiar to him

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Rix arrived at the coffee shop, he's meeting Arman there and he spotted a woman that looks so familiar to him..

Rix arrived at the coffee shop, he's meeting Arman there and he spotted a woman that looks so familiar to him

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Rix: Mrs Mendez?
Alicia: Oh,hello there, hijo, Atty. Enrico Jay Richards? we never really got the chance to chat at the party...but that lady Trixie is really into you...

Rix was shyly smiled and immediately changed the topic.

Rix: Well, I just don't want to intrude with your conversation with Tita Dorina and Rix na lang po Tita Alicia, you're spitting image of Dei..
Alicia: Is that a compliment? well, she's my darling daughter after all.. are you meeting someone here?
Rix: Arman
Alicia: Oh yes, Carmaine is here with me, she's just at the Lady's room..hayan na pala siya..

Carmaine: Rix, hi, nice to see you again..
Rix: Hi Dei, are you meeting Arman here?
C: Not here, later at 1pm, we're having lunch you and...did he mention to you that Lara my friend is joining us?
R: Yes, he did...
Alicia: Sorry to interrupt you children, Okay, let's get our coffee Carmaine...we still have errands to do..
Carmaine: Ok Mom.. I'll see you at lunch Rix?
Rix: Of course...


1 PM Epilogue Restaurant..

Arman: Rix, this is Lara, Lara, my best man, RixRix: Hi, nice to meet you Lara: Same here, Attorney, right?Rix: Please, call me RixCarmaine: So let's order guys, shall we?

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Arman: Rix, this is Lara, Lara, my best man, Rix
Rix: Hi, nice to meet you
Lara: Same here, Attorney, right?
Rix: Please, call me Rix
Carmaine: So let's order guys, shall we?

Lara: Rix, are you heading back to LA after the wedding?
Rix: Probably, as I have a pending case right now that I'm working on..
Carmaine: Oh, so you don't want to explore the   Philippines?
Arman: For sure? You're not going back to Manila after our wedding?

Rix didn't know how to answer but he's very much anxious to go back to LA...

Rix: Yes, Arman, I have work you Lara, have you been to LA?
Lara: A couple of times but I prefer New York as my line of profession is Designing clothes so New York is like my run to whenever I need inspiration...
Rix: And you Dei?
Carmaine: I lived in LA for a couple of months to take some crash courses..
Arman: Since when you called my bride to be her second name? Only her father calls her that?
Carmaine: I gave him permission..
Arman: Is that so?
Lara: Here's our order...

Arman: I'm going to fly to Davao tonight, guys

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Arman: I'm going to fly to Davao tonight, guys... the Pilot that I covered for is still recuperating, I'll be back in a couple of days.. so Carm can I ask you to keep my best man company, give her a tour of the city if that's not too much to ask?
C: Of course not, maybe I'll take him to our vacation home in Quezon instead of the city...
R: You guys, I can make arrangements myself to go around the city or out of town. you have to prepare for your big day, it's coming soon less than two months...
A: Rix, we have family around doing it for us, all Carmaine and I has to do is to show up...
C: It's really ok Rix but if you prefer to be alone, that's fine with me...
R: Oh no, no Dei, I appreciate the offer it's just that I don't want to impose ..
C: You're not, Lara can join us too...
Lara: I'm sorry folks, I will be very busy for the next two weeks, I have clients to see...

The group had called it a day as Arman has to be prepared for his flight to Davao...


Rix: Are you out of your mind? you ask your Fiancée to keep me company? Arman, seriously?
Arman: Rix, relax, it's not like she's going to babysit you, what are you afraid of? Me? You know what, just go, ok? Just enjoy the short vacation..
Rix: Are you doing this on purpose?
Arman: What If I say yes? but keep this in mind though, just don't do anything that you will regret in the end. Just have fun...get to know Carmaine... That's how you will know if she's worth it...
Rix: What if you fall for her, hypothetical question lang?
Arman: If I do, what if she doesn't? I'm not the type who will force myself to someone who doesn't want know that Rix...I just don't see myself begging for attention...

Rix is trying to weigh in the situation his friend is in ... marrying someone he doesn't love... yet? What if? what Arman says about him is true...he always pause..

he always pause

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