Meeting with the Parents

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Carmaine and Arman was discussing on how are they going to convince their parents to take it easy with the wedding plan. Both decided to meet their parents at the Benitez mansion.

They were all seating at the dining table... Carmaine spoke first..

Carmaine: First of all, thank you Ma, Pa, Tito Hernan, Tita Dorina for meeting with me and Arman on such a short notice...

Carmaine is fidgeting, she keeps looking at Arman...

Carmaine: Can we all take it easy on the wedding plan..I mean, can we just make it small, intimate and...low key..

Arman tried to finish Carmaine's sentence...

A: There's no guarantee that this arranged marriage will work, remember Ma, Pa, Tito Ronaldo, Tita Alicia, we all agreed that if this set up doesn't work, marriage will be dissolved.. Carmaine and I's future will be put to the test, we both agreed to this union because we have conditions and for that, we respect you all... plus there's no divorce in the Philippines, how are we..

Hernan stood up and spoke...and turned to Ronaldo...

H: What would you suggest to do?
Ronaldo: We can move the wedding in another country where divorce is recognize? We can have a wedding destination...

Carmaine: Papa, the wedding is in two months..
Ronaldo: We'll just invite close family...
Alicia: And where do you suggest them to get married...
Ronaldo: Thailand...
Hernan: It's fine with me... let's not wait, so Carmaine, Arman, you're getting married in Thailand...I will contact my business partners there to give us a hand on this event, so kids, are you okay on this?

Carmaine and Arman just looked at each other, didn't want to demand for more, it's both their parents marriage anyways... not them...

Arman: I guess Thailand is a good choice, what do you think, Carm?
Carmaine: Pwede na rin siguro..

There's a two months preparation for the wedding, and Arman decided to fly to Ireland to visit his ex - girlfriend, Abby..

Abigail Mercado is an OFW in Ireland, she acquired her permanent residency after living there for 5 years. She met Arman through a mutual acquaintances while she was still working as a Flight attendant in one of his Father's airlines..

 She met Arman through a mutual acquaintances while she was still working as a Flight attendant in one of his Father's airlines

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Abigail Mercado


Abby: Arman, I'm coming, oh my god... shit... aaahhhh..
Arman: Baby, I can't hold it anymore..

Then Arman fell on Abby's side after that mind blowing sex..

Abby: How can you live with Carmaine without having sex? How's that possible?Arman: Believe it or not, we talked about it

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Abby: How can you live with Carmaine without having sex? How's that possible?
Arman: Believe it or not, we talked about it...and I'm not going to force her to do something she doesn't want to do...
Abby: You can't fly here all the time to have sex with me? not that you can't afford it but...
Arman: It's not going to be easy...I know..
Abby: I'm not good with words but you know how I feel about this..
Arman: Let's just not talk about it anymore...

Arman looked at Abby and gave her a passionate kiss...


Dublin Airport

Arman: I have to get hold of Rix, he's my best man

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Arman: I have to get hold of Rix, he's my best man....
Abby: Well, you know my cousin, cannot stay in one place... he's in Hawaii right now probably screwing some one else's Girlfriend... hahaha
Arman: Might as well use his good looks, like me...I'll see you soon, Babe..
Abby: Have a safe flight...

Arman gave Abby a hug and a kiss..

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