Meet and Greet

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Entourage Rehearsals

Only close families and friends will be part of the Benitez/Mendez entourage, it was the first night of the rehearsals where everyone will be introduced to one another.

Only close families and friends will be part of the Benitez/Mendez entourage, it was the first night of the rehearsals where everyone will be introduced to one another

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Hernan: Good afternoon everyone and thank you all for coming tonight for the rehearsals..Arman will be a little bit late. One of my Pilots had an emergency operation and Arman took upon himself to cover for him, he's heading back from Cebu, he will be here. Let me give the floor to my lovely wife, Dorina..

Dorina: Hello everyone, Thank you all for coming, Let me welcome my Daughter in law to be

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Dorina: Hello everyone, Thank you all for coming, Let me welcome my Daughter in law to be... Carmaine Dei Mendez...and oh by the way the Best Man is present too, flew all the way from Los Angeles, Attorney Enrico Jay Richards...

Carmaine and Rix never paid attention to each other, they're both busy talking to people at the party until one of the female guest approached Rix and start flirting with him

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Carmaine and Rix never paid attention to each other, they're both busy talking to people at the party until one of the female guest approached Rix and start flirting with him..

Female Guest: Hi Atty Handsome, I'm Trixie, have you get the chance to go around the city?

She was so loud that it got Carmaine's attention, she looked at Rix and the female guest, suddenly Dorina announced the arrival of Arman..

Dorina: The dashing groom has arrived...

Then Arman came rushing to hug and kiss Carmaine on the cheek and this caught Rix' attention. He got a closer look at Carmaine Dei Mendez.

 He got a closer look at Carmaine Dei Mendez

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Rix: So that's the infamous Wife to be...the cleft chin...(he whispered to himself)

Without a warning, the female guest pulled him and kissed him on the lips and the other guests was all caught by surprise. Rix pulled away and pulled her to the side...

Everyone is looking on including Arman and Carmaine..Rix scolded the female guest..

Rix: Why'd you that for? That's so unlady like...
Arman: Trixie, come on, don't do that..

The female lady named Trixie was so embarrassed and walked away..

Arman: Hey Rix, you okay? Don't bother with her, let me introduce you to Carmaine.
Carmaine, this is Rix..
Caramaine: Hi Rix, you okay?

Rix extended his hand to Carmaine for a handshake..

Rix: Glad to meet you.. I'm ok, thank you. I don't know why she did that..
Arman: She's probably had so much to drink already, anyways I'll leave you two, I have to take a shower so we can start the rehearsal, Mom, I'll just take a shower and we can start when I'm done...
Dorina: Ok, Son...

Rix and Carmaine was left alone..

Rix: I'm sorry that you have to see that, I'm not..

Carmaine disrupted him..

Carmaine: I'm not judgemental, I saw her made the first move, she can't resist you, she's just lucky that you're not one of those scumbags who will take advantage of the situation, anyways, how's your stay so far Attorney?
Rix: Thank you, Miss Mendez
C: Carmaine, you can call me Carmaine or Dei..
R: Ok, Dei..
C: Weird to hear someone other than my Dad calls me by my second name.
R: Exclusive ba sa Dad mo ang Dei?
C: No, dalawa na kayo

Rix threw a smile at her and gently rubbed his forehead

C: Thank you for coming, I don't know much about you other than you're a Lawyer?
R: What do you want to know?
C: What do you want to tell me?
R: I'm single, unattached, I'm a good friend of Arman.. my Dad is a stage actor, my mom is a Surgeon....
C: Your Dad is a stage actor? So you must have met a lot of celebrities..
R: Yeah, I've met Richard Gere, Hugh Jackman, Brad Pitt, Meryl Streep... and many more..
C: Wow, you must have a lot of selfies with them?
R: Not really, nakakahiya naman, not to them, but sa Dad ko...
C: I know what you mean
Arman: Hey guys, come on, rehearsal is going to start...


It was a very long and, tiring night and Rix couldn't stop thinking about Carmaine Dei, he finds it so easy to talk to her. He wanted to get to know her more, and ask her why did she agreed to this arranged marriage..he felt so bad that he's his friend's soon to be wife, but on the other hand, they're doing this not out of love but of respect to their family, he thinks that he might have a shot with her but he has to wait ...for the right time...
He doesn't want to repeat what had happened before, he will take it slow this time, he told himself..

He doesn't want to repeat what had happened before, he will take it slow this time, he told himself

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