Attorney Bachelor

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Arman picked up Rix at the airport heading to the Benitez residence where Rix is going to stay until their flight to Thailand for the wedding...

Arman: So Buddy, How's your Narita exploration?
Rix: It was good, very educational, I'm thinking of going back to Japan and explore it more...
Arman: I was there a couple months ago... with Abby... why don't you rest, baka jet lag ka pa...I'll call you when dinner is ready...
Rix: Thanks Buddy...

Rix went for a shower and start unpacking his things.. while unpacking, something fell on the wooden floor when he pulled out his hygiene kit, and he realized that it was the engagement ring he gave to Lucille, one of the last two of his ex Fiancée.. the first was, Sylvia, he called off his wedding to her two weeks before the actual wedding but with Lucille, it's a different story...

He remembered that fatal day.. where he didn't show up the day of the wedding, it was raining so hard... a day later, he went to see Lucille, he couldn't find it in his heart to leave all this mess to her Parents to clean up, again..

Lucille opened the door and gave him a couple of slap in the face. She was crying and screaming...

Lucille: How dare you, how dare you! I cannot forgive you for this, you fucking asshole!!! Asshole...

She was hitting him non stop on the chest until he fell on his knees and cried himself...

Rix: I'm sorry, Lucille, please forgive me. I'm really sorry...

Lucille keeps pulling his hair and pushing him away

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Lucille keeps pulling his hair and pushing him away..

Lucille: Get out Enrico, get out!!!! I don't want to see you ever again...

And that's the last time they saw each and he himself disappeared for months, last he heard of her was she married her partner of two years, a woman...then a loud knock on the door pulled him out of that unpleasant memories... It was Arman...

The dinner table is set... Dorina gave him a warm welcome with a hug and a hand shake from Hernan...

Dorina: Welcome to our home, RixHernan: Feel at home, hijoRix: Thank you po Tito, TitaArman: If you're up for it, we can go for a night swim

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Dorina: Welcome to our home, Rix
Hernan: Feel at home, hijo
Rix: Thank you po Tito, Tita
Arman: If you're up for it, we can go for a night swim..

Rix: That would be nice, sure...

After dinner Rix and Arman went for a night swim.. Rix had mentioned about the engagement ring to Arman, on how is he going to dispose it as it has bad memories attached to it...

 Rix had mentioned about the engagement ring to Arman, on how is he going to dispose it as it has bad memories attached to it

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Arman: Pawnshop, then whatever amount you can get from it, donate the money..
Rix: Everytime I think about that day, still breaks my heart..
Arman: Why did you propose to her? I mean she's not the first woman you propose to...
Rix: Wrong judgment, I don't know, all the guys at the firm are all married...
Arman: So, you feel left out?
Rix: I guess, you see, I've never experienced meeting a woman who gets my attention without even trying... ahhhh, wait, Narita airport .. saw this girl with a cap on, so oblivious on her surroundings, she's so caught up with the book she's reading...didn't see her face but his cleft chin is too hard not to notice...
Arman: And?
Rix: Well, her Boyfriend showed up, end of the story...
Arman: Damn, sayang naman...
Rix: Sayang? Well, maybe I'll end up being a Bachelor the rest of my life...
Arman: That's the problem, sometimes it's really hard to find the one, or maybe we're just too cautious cause we always think that they only want our money...
Rix: So you opt for Arranged marriage..?
Arman: That's the safest ...

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