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The Richards Cottage Home

Rix spend the weekend with his parents before he flies to the Philippines and Thailand to attend his friend's wedding

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Rix spend the weekend with his parents before he flies to the Philippines and Thailand to attend his friend's wedding...

Rix: Dad,!congrats on your nomination at the Tony's award, good reviews on your one man act ...
Ariel: Hardwork pays off Rix, win or lose I'm happy. Being acknowledged by your peers is an honour already...
Allison: You're really good, Darling.. Rix, how long are you staying in the Philippines?
Rix: Not sure Ma, I have a fitting to do once I arrived in the Philippines then the entourage flies to Thailand
Allison: How about your pending cases? Who's going to handle it?
Rix: I handed it to Kevin, I'm just finishing up with one of my client...
Ariel: Mrs Bitug?
Rix: Dad, how did you know that?
Ariel: Her Grandson was one of the actors in my play... he knows that I have a Lawyer son who's very good at what he does... don't worry Son, our conversation is very brief. He said that none of his family knew where his Grandmother is living now...
Rix: Maybe they're not trying hard enough to find her...
Allison: It's just really sad. I operated on her husband a few years back, I could still remember the worried look on her face when her husband was wheeled inside the operating room..
Rix: 50 years Mom, Dad, 50 years of marriage, down the drain...

Ariel and Allison was taken aback after Rix spoke about his client...

Ariel: Your Mother and I might have opinion about it but it's her life, it's your case. We have faith that you will do what's best for her...
Rix: Thank you Dad...I guess love is a very complicated, sensitive matter to begin with..
Allison: Is that your excuse why you called off your wedding... twice?
Rix: Ma, are we gonna go there?
Allison: Anak, Love is not complicated, kung mahal mo, mahal mo, as simple as that...
Ariel: True hijo...
Rix: Are you two ganging up on me? At least I tried ... and how about Martha?
Allison: Your sister is headstrong kasi... she's too independent...choice nya yun but I believe that one day, she will lose control of her heart once she falls in love...

choice nya yun but I believe that one day, she will lose control of her heart once she falls in love

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Martha Richards

Rix was trying to review the information he gathered from Mrs Bitug... there's only one thing running through his head... she fall out of love... his thoughts are maybe her heart stopped beating for him, she lost herself somewhere in 50 years of her marriage. She lost balance and she just let herself slide...

Rix thought of the two women he proposed to, he realized that fear of not knowing is what drove him to call off the weddings that he's supposed to have, cold feet? that too...

He admired Arman's courage to jump into the most daredevil stunt of his life... to marry someone he doesn't love...

What will happen if one of them fell in love?  and the one who fall couldn't let go of the other?

What will happen if one of them fell in love?  and the one who fall couldn't let go of the other?

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