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Arman went back to the Philippines after being gone for almost 3 weeks. He bought Carmaine Dei an engagement ring...

It's a browse diamond engagement ring with a center stone surrounded by luminous halo of bead set diamond

It's a browse diamond engagement ring with a center stone surrounded by luminous halo of bead set diamond

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Carmaine Dei was so surprised to get a ring that stunning from Arman...

Arman: So how does it fit?
Carmaine: A bit lose but it could be adjusted, it's a beautiful ring... thank you..

Carmaine couldn't keep her eyes off the ring on her finger, she looked at Arman and kissed him on the cheek..

Arman: I'm glad you liked it..
Carmaine: How's Abby?
A: She's fine, she's great... Gosh, it's just so weird that you ask my ex, we will be married in a couple of months maybe you should stop asking about her...
C: Why? She's your Girlfriend... ex GF... Arman, I'm not insensitive as you think I am.. You care about her and that's okay with me.. sounds awkward cause we're getting married but I'm guilty in a way too cause I felt like I just barged into your relationship... I'm really sorry...
A: Hey, no fault of yours... it takes two to Tango, I just wish that whatever it maybe, we both won't regret it, that we both don't eat our own words...
C: Meron ka din palang soft spot...
A: Carm, no matter what, let's keep our respect to each other, to our family... thrust that I won't do something you don't want to do, like...
C: Sex? Hey, whatever people say, it's my choice... my life... if it's a big mistake, I will own up to it...
A: Same, same...


Enrico (Rix) Jay Richards is preparing some documents to one of his clients who's going to divorce her husband of 50 years..

Mrs Bitug: I loved him, but I got tired, my children are not happy that I'm doing this, after 50 years of marriage, they all resented me for this...
Rix: And that's why I ask you to think it over... 50 years of marriage is no joke but if your not happy anymore then maybe this is the best thing to do...

Mrs Bitug was in tears while pouring her heart out..

Mrs Bitug: Napapagod din pala ang puso, Atty. Richards..
God knows how much I tried and why did I wait after 50 long years? my children, I will protect them in anyway.
Rix: As your Lawyer, you have to tell me everything, this might be going to be a long and painful battle...
Mrs B: He never laid his hand on me if that's what you're insinuating... it's just plain, I want out, I have never been happy for a long, long time. I might lose on this fight but I want to claim my own happiness, sounds selfish but I'm already 70 years old maybe this is my only chance...

Rix gave the Lady a tight hold on her hand and assured her that he will do the best he can for her...

Rix: In any case, legal, personal matters, there is no guarantee of winning without anyone getting hurt.. I always tell my clients to always be prepared of the outcome..

Mrs B: Have you been in love Atty.?
R: I'd like to believe that I have..
Mrs B: You will only know once you shed a tear on her..I like to believe that I love my husband, only to realized now that I don't, as I have never shed a tear on him..
R: I will be out of the country for a month, I will file this case and then we will wait. I will touch base with my partners while I'm away so we can monitor it, meanwhile, how are you doing financial wise?
Mrs B: I'm ok, I manage to save on my own by baby sitting on the side, thank you for your concern. I might not be able to pay you in full ...
Rix: I'm not thinking about that right now, I want you to be okay first and foremost..

Rix: I'm not thinking about that right now, I want you to be okay first and foremost

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