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She kissed him back... and then she pulled away...

Rix: I'm so sorry Dei, I'm so sorry..
Carmaine : I'm sorry too..

Both stood still and silence took over.. the short walk from the Beach to the house seems longer. They both could feel the strong beating of their hearts. Carmaine will glance at Rix once in awhile as she was walking ahead of him...

Soon they reached the house, Carmaine was struggling to open the front door, once inside, she turned around and something took over her and gave Rix a kiss and a tight embrace

Soon they reached the house, Carmaine was struggling to open the front door, once inside, she turned around and something took over her and gave Rix a kiss and a tight embrace

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Rix: Call off the wedding..
Carmaine: No, I can't ..

She looked at Rix, cupped his face ..

Carmaine: Listen to me, nothing is going to happen between Arman and I... we don't love each other... let's wait and see where this is going to take us? Hear me?
Rix: I don't know Dei, I don't know...

Carmaine: I have to tell you something..
Rix: What? what is it?

Carmaine: I went to your wedding, (she pause)...to Lucille Abuel three years ago. I didn't know that the wedding I witnessed was yours... that obviously never happened...
Rix: What? Do you know Lucille?
Carmaine: No, listen, it was my friend who got invited and she asked me to go with her, we were at the church, waiting for the ceremony to start, but the groom didn't show up....you didn't show up, Lucille never got out of the bridal car, I can only imagine how she must be feeling at that moment...until someone told the people at church that there will be no wedding...so we left...I found out from my mother, Tita Dorina told her... I messaged my friend who was with me at that wedding and that's how I confirmed that you're the runaway groom.

Rix is lost for words...

Rix: Do you hate me?

Carmaine lifted his face...and looked into his eyes..

C: Hey, I told you, I'm not judgmental

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C: Hey, I told you, I'm not judgmental... there's always a reason why things happened..
R: Sylvia ...
C: Who's Sylvia?
R: Before Lucille, it was Sylvia ..

Carmaine Dei was waiting for Rix to say more..

R: I was engaged to Sylvia Burnett. I broke off the engagement before we even planned the wedding, then Lucille came. I was led to believe that she's the one, the one that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with... I'm so scared of not knowing then....
Dei, with you, it's different... it's a different scare, I can't explain what I'm feeling... but all I know is ... I've never felt anything like this before..

C: I've never felt this before with anyone too...Rix, I'm marrying Arman... I don't know what's going to happen once we're married.. all I know now is... I'm not in-love with him but it's different with you...Rix, you don't know either if what you're feeling is temporary... maybe you want me now but how about tomorrow? The day after tomorrow, and then the next..

Then Rix stopped her by giving her a tender kiss on the lips..

Then Rix stopped her by giving her a tender kiss on the lips

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Rix: Ssshhhh. Okay, we'll wait and see where this should take us. I don't want to repeat the same mistake I made..
Carmaine: No promises please, let's just not say anything anymore...okay?
Rix: Okay..

And then they kissed more and ended up sleeping in each others arms... fully clothed

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I Went to Your WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now