Reality Bites

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Abby made a quick stop in Davao to meet with Arman...

They met discreetly in a hotel very close to the airport...

Abby: I miss you babe..
Arman: Me too, thank you for coming ...

They spent the night together at the Hotel..

They spent the night together at the Hotel

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Arman couldn't take his hands off Abby. They were kissing passionately, touching each other's naked body. Abby went down on Arman, massaging, kissing his hardened manhood..

Arman: Oh babe... aaahhhh!, please don't stop... f#%€¥*k!!!, come here...

He pulled Abby up, lifted her legs and slammed inside of her with so much force and Abby bit Arman's shoulder to silence herself from screaming, both reached the heavens and ended up lying on the floor on top of each other...

Abby: Can we still do this ? what if you ended liking Carmaine?
Arman: It's not going to happen, I looked at her like a younger sister...
Abby: Huh! So why are you marrying her then? God, you rich people, you treat marriage like a commodity, you buy then you return after? You could put that money into a good use instead, you like to waste it...
Arman: Are you upset?
Abby: Does it matter to you?
Arman: Hey, look at me... I love being with you, and this marriage will be dissolved in no time...let me tell you a secret...

Abby was all ears to what Arman has to say ..

Arman: Rix admittedly confess his attraction to Carmaine...
Abby: What? Ok, this is becoming more and more ridiculous... my cousin is attracted to your Fiancée?
Arman: They're actually spending time together as we speak .. I ask Carmaine to give him a tour in Quezon province, you know, keep him company while I'm away..
Abby: Geez, he probably f#%~ck her already...
Arman: Carmaine is not like that, she's hard to break..
Abby: I hope no one will get hurt whatever the outcome of this arrangement and that includes you and me...
Arman: Can we just not talk about them and let's have another round, we only have a few hours left...

And so they did it again...


Back in Manila...

Rix: Thank you for the trip, I enjoyed it so much..
Carmaine: Me too, I just realized how l miss vacationing in Quezon...
Rix: I want to go back Dei... (he pause) with you again...
Carmaine: Someday....I'll see you at my wedding?

Rix just gave her a nod but she could feel the heaviness in his heart...

Carmaine: Arman will be back tonight...
Rix: For the longest time that I've known him, this is the first time that I feel like I want to punch him, naunahan nya ko...

They both laugh but they knew that deep in their hearts they're so much uncertainties, if they only knew what the future holds for both them

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They both laugh but they knew that deep in their hearts they're so much uncertainties, if they only knew what the future holds for both them... for now, they can only settle for the present...

Rix: Well, better rest, I will see you again?
Carmaine: Of course..our driver will take you home...

our driver will take you home

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Rix: I miss you already...

Carmaine smiled and then they hugged each other...

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