Heart's The Matter

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Rix woke up early and went for a run. He need to clear his head.. try to get Carmaine Dei out of his system...

For Godsake, Enrico Jay, the girl is marrying your best friend

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For Godsake, Enrico Jay, the girl is marrying your best friend...he told himself..

Arman: Hey, Rix, why didn't you wake me up, I could have jogged with you... have a coffee..
Rix: Great, thanks Man. I didn't bother cause I can tell your tired, how does feel it flying again?
Arman: 'Know what Rix, I was kinda lost at first and then it all came back to me and realized how I miss it..

Rix was looking closely at his friend..

Arman: Huy, bakit ganyan ka makatingin? Get ready, I'll take you with me to pick up Carm...
Rix: Third wheel?
Arman: No, We will introduce you to her friend Lara..
Rix: Ok, I came here to be your Best man, not to be set-up or be paired up with someone I don't know..
Arman: So ayaw mo? Eh di hwag, let's just have a quick lunch, hang out for a bit..
Rix: Can I tell you something Ar?
Arman: What's That?

Rix hesitated at first...

Rix: I find your Fiancée attractive...and she's very engaging...

Arman laughed...

Arman: Are you freaking serious? You like my Fiancée? Hahahah

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Arman: Are you freaking serious? You like my Fiancée? Hahahah ...
R: Can you keep it down? and what's so funny? it didn't bother you what I said? Gago ka Arman...
A: I'm flattered... hahaha... okay, listen, let me marry her first then let's see...
R: You're not even in love with her.. do you really have to do this?
A: Shit man! you really like her?
R: Oh come on Arman...
A: Listen, if you expect me to call off this wedding, it's not gonna happen. I will not ran away from Carmaine...like what you did ...Rix, think about Sylvia and Lucille, you liked them at first, you proposed to them thinking that you're in love with them but you still called off the wedding. I was your Best Man at your supposedly wedding that never happened... twice Rix, twice. I love you man, and I appreciate your honesty but please spare Carmaine. It's fine with me if you're going to pursue her but don't lead her on...the problem with you is you always pause then, instead of going forward, you rewind it as if the story will change when you play it again..
Rix: You compared me to a DVD player?
Arman: Hahaha, Rix, you have to learn to take a risk, no wonder you always win your case, cause you only take a case that's a sure win... have you ever lost a case?
Rix: Stop this lecture, for someone who's a player himself is talking about risk..admit it,you care about her..
A: I'm might be a player but the women I was involved then knew, I don't forced myself to them..atsaka hindi sila sabay-sabay..one at a time. I care about Carmaine, sure, she has a golden heart kaya hindi ko siya kayang lokohin or paasahin...I'm honest with her, come what may at lalong hindi ko sya pipilitin kung ayaw na nya...

R: I never meant to hurt Sylvia and Lucille, I just don't want to hurt them more if I pushed the wedding and leave after..

Arman realized what he just said, he squeezed his friend's shoulder re- assuring him that everything is going to be fine..
Arman: Sorry Rix, it came out too strong...not what I intend to say...
Rix: Its okay...

Arman: Let's just end this conversation

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Arman: Let's just end this conversation. Baka masyado ka lang nalulungkot...
Rix: How about Abby? have you two broken up?
A: I would like to say yes but no? Carm didn't want me to do that, but I have to... this marriage is going to be very challenging...please don't avoid Carmaine, you and I both know that this marriage is on paper only...
R: This is where I should test my endurance, I can't pursue someone else's wife...
A: Rix, I'm not going to tell you what to do, just do whatever makes you happy. You just met Carmaine, maybe you should see her again and see how it goes...
R: Arman, why are you saying this?
A: Because all this years that I've known you, this is the first time I've seen you shown interest with somebody, at talagang sa Fiancée ko pa...
R: Sorry Arman...
A: Kanina ka pa sorry ng sorry, huwag mo lang muna itatanan...

Then the two buddies gave each other a hug..

Then the two buddies gave each other a hug

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