Chapter 2

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"Does History have to be SO BORING?" Tae whined as they entered the cafeteria. Jungkook and Jimin chuckled. "Like why do we need to know about the kings and civilization and stuff? It's all over right? We can't do anything about it right? Then why the hell are we studying it? I hate it." Tae continued his rant.

"Which class you don't hate Tae?" Jungkook asked while laughing.

Tae suddenly blushed. "Well... Psychology isn't that bad to be honest."

Jimin and Jungkook stared at him. "Why are you blushing? Do you like the teacher or what?" Jimin teased.

"NO OF COURSE NOT!" Tae said, shocked.

"Then?" Jungkook asked. "You literally turned into a tomato."

Tae looked down embarrassed. "Well... It's just... I share the class with Lisa. And I think she's very pretty."

Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other and started laughing.

"GUYS! Why are you laughing at me? I knew I shouldn't have said anything!" Tae sat back defeated.

"Sorry, sorry! It's just we've never seen you like this so it feels very different and your face looks funny." Jimin said.

Tae sighed. "There's no point in this crush though. She doesn't even know I exist. She's the best friend of the most popular girl in the college. Why would she even look at me when there are so many more good looking men sitting around her?" Saying this, Tae turned his head a little so that he can see the "popular" table.

Jungkook followed his gaze. Tae had a point. Chaeyoung, Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo were sitting at their usual table, minding their own business. All the boys in the college were stopping by to say hello to them or give them gifts and chocolates, which being the polite girls they are, they gracefully accepted. Then came in one of the most good-looking and one of the closest friends of Lisa. Bambam.

Seeing him coming, Tae turned around and looked down. Jungkook could see that he's clearly depressed and jealous, seeing the closeness of Lisa and Bambam.

Jimin offered a comforting pat on his shoulder. "Tae. Don't put yourself down. You are also as good as any of the other guys."

"I agree." Jungkook said. "Just because they're closer to her doesn't mean that she will fall for them."

"But she won't fall for me either. I'm just a nobody." Tae said. "Let's get out of here. I need some fresh air."

"You guys go ahead. I need to borrow a book from the library. I'll catch up with you. The usual spot?" Jungkook asked them.

"The usual." Jimin said. He put his arm around Taehyung and they both walked out. Jungkook got up and headed to the library. He needed to borrow the new mystery novel that just came in. It was from his favorite author. There was no chance that he was going to miss the opportunity to get the book.

On the way, he bumped into someone. "Are you freaking blind? Watch where you're going! Four eyes but still can't see clearly. Ugh, how are you even the topper?"

On any other day, the words would've hurt him. But he was too excited to get the book so he just apologized and walked away.


Chaeyoung, Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo were fast friends. They all loved and understood each other like no one else. It was surprising the other students to see a group of girls with such a strong bond and understanding. It was a rare sight to see girls not fighting with each other over some petty thing in the college. This friendship of theirs and their drop dead gorgeous looks made them the most popular group in the college.

After English the four girls walked in the cafeteria me headed to their usual spot. "Last night was crazy honestly. Chanyeol got so drunk! He took the microphone and started singing sad songs. He was so sad that his "precious Chaeng couldn't come to the party". It was really embarrassing." Jennie said as they sat down on the table, drinking their orange juice. Jisoo and Lisa laughed and exchanged a high five. Chaeyoung buried her face in her palms. "Why is he like that? When will he get the hint that I'm not interested?"

"When you tell him that loudly, clearly and firmly." A voice behind her said.

Chaeyoung turned to see Bambam walking up to them.

"Bam!" Lisa exclaimed and got up to hug him.

"How are my girls doing? I'm sorry Chaeng about Chan's behavior. I honestly have no idea how to handle him. I've told him numerous times but he just won't understand." Bambam said.

"Don't worry about it. I don't want to trouble you. I'll talk to him sometime soon." Chaeyoung said.

"Yes, you better. A confession can be made quietly but a rejection should always be clear and firm. It makes it easier to move on." Jisoo said.

"I agree with Jisoo-ssi". Bambam said. "Talk to him soon. I don't want him barging in my room crying because you didn't reply to his text."

Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo laughed while Chaeyoung looked down shaking her head.

"Okay guys, I have to go back to the boys. Have fun." Bambam said as he left to go to his table.

"And I have to go to the library." Chaeyoung said while standing up. "My mathematics teacher said to borrow some reference and practice books from the library. It will help with my grades."

"Let's just hope you don't get lost." Jennie teased.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Lisa offered.

"No I'll be fine. You guys have fun!"

"See you Chaeng!" Jisoo said. "Work hard so that you will pass mathematics and make us proud."


She left the table and started walking towards the library. It has been a while since she has been there. She quietly made her way through the cafeteria and noticed many eyes on her, mostly men. She felt uncomfortable but this was a daily occurrence. She didn't think much of it these days.

"Chaeng you're so pretty!!" Someone yelled. "I like the way you walk!!" Someone followed. "Nice legs baby!"

She shot a death glare at the person. But that didn't seem to work. "Oh my gosh! She looked! I can finally die in peace!" She sighed and walked out.

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