Chapter 10

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Jungkook sat on the backseat when Jimin and Taehyung came to pick him up. He had a silly smile on his face which confused them. "What are you smiling about?" Jimin asked. "Nothing." Jungkook innocently said while looking up at them. "You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth. What is it? Spill already." Taehyung said.

Jungkook sighed. "Chaeyoung stayed over last night."

This revelation caused both of them pure shock. Jimin, who was focused on driving, had to pull over to the side quickly. Taehyung choked on his coffee and spun around to face him.

"What did you just say?" Jimin asked.

"Chaeyoung stayed over." Jungkook repeated, this time more embarrassingly.

"Park Chaeyoung? The one who you were supposed to "tutor"?" Taehyung asked. "Damn. I thought you said tutor though. He did say "tutor" right?" Taehyung asked turning to Jimin.

"Hey! I did tutor her. But it suddenly rained and there was no way she could go back home." Jungkook snapped. He then slowly explained what happened that night. "Then she woke up and returned home. We didn't do anything. You know I won't. And I know she wouldn't at all." Jungkook sat back.

Jimin and Taehyung were still processing all this information. Jungkook was expecting and hoping that one of them will break the silence. "Come on guys! It's not a big deal. It's not like we did anything." Jungkook finally said.

"No. It's just so hard to believe. Didn't you feel uncomfortable or anything? Because, well, it's you." Jimin said.

Jungkook sighed. "I don't know guys. She's just... So different. She's not like a typical popular girl. She's really friendly and kind. I didn't feel uncomfortable around her last night. I felt like I could be myself without being judged for a change."

Jimin and Taehyung turned around to look at him. They both couldn't believe that the words were coming out of their introverted friend. "Jungkook..." Taehyung said.

He looked at him with questioning eyes. "Nevermind." He said finally. "No tell me." Jungkook insisted. "Nothing really. I'm glad that you're finally opening up to people." Tae said quickly, glancing towards Jimin who was looking at Taehyung with the same expression.

Jungkook sat back defeated. "You guys are acting weird." He said. "No! Let's go now. We'll be late and we know you hate being late." Jimin said while flashing a smile. Taehyung nodded along, smiling. "Our Jungkook is growing up. Oh, we feel proud." Taehyung joked.

This caused Jungkook to laugh and got him lightly on his shoulders. "It's not like that." "Yeah yeah. Sure. It's not like that." Jimin mocked.


Jungkook, Jimin and Tae got out of the car and started to walk towards the building. "Oh. Our class might be starting. Jimin let's hurry." Tae said, while looking at the watch. "Go ahead. I still have a few minutes." Jungkook said. With that, his two friends ran to the class leaving him alone.

As Jungkook was about enter the building, a powerful hand grabbed his arms and pushed him against the building wall. Jungkook took a second to realize what has happened. He looked up to see a pair of eyes staring right into his. "So... I heard you're the new tutor for Chaeyoung?" He said in a mocking tone. Jungkook stared at him with wide eyes and parted mouth. "You must obviously know me." He added. "Answer me."

"I-I do, Chanyeol." Jungkook stuttered. "Hm. So you must also know that she belongs to me." Chanyeol continued as he lightly slapped Jungkook's cheek which did not sit straight with him. It brought back bad memories which made him angry. He gave him a death glare but Chanyeol thought nothing of it.

"I saw her coming out of your house this morning. What did you do with her?" Chanyeol growled. "Nothing. We did nothing. And it's obviously none of your business." Jungkook snapped.

Chanyeol laughed at the disrespect. "You think you scare me?" He said. "Yah. Stay away from my girl. She belongs to me and only me." Jungkook didn't break the eye contact. Instead of being scared, he was getting angrier at every word. What the hell does he mean by she belongs to him?

"I'm not the type of guy to give out chances, kid. I'm being nice here. I would have broken your face by now. I'm telling you nicely. Stay away. Don't play with other's toys." He said while smirking.

Jungkook could not take all this. "First of all, she's not yours. Second of all, she is her own person and she's not anyone's "toy". Third of all, what we do is our business. None of your business." He replied.

Chanyeol looked at him, clearly angry. He locked him between the wall and himself until their faces were really close. "Who do you think you are? You don't scare me okay?" He growled. Jungkook let out a laugh and pushed him a little for space. "I don't scare you? I would have believed that if you wouldn't have come here to threaten me to stay away. Obviously, you feel like I'm a competition don't you? That's why you're here to threaten me to stay away." Jungkook said, not breaking the eye contact. Chanyeol stared at him. "You're talking too much nowadays don't you think?" He rebuked. "I'm an introvert, but I'm not a coward. Especially when it comes to people I care about." Jungkook fired back.

"You little..." Chanyeol moved towards him and punched him in the face. Jungkook fell down, the corner of his lips bleeding. "You will face more damage if you keep getting closer to her and braver to me. Understood, kid? Now go and play nice." Chanyeol growled and left before Jungkook could do or say anything.

He got up wiping his face. He looked around. No one was near enough to see all this except...


He heard a sweet, feminine voice call him. He turned around to see Chaeyoung and Lisa looking at him. Chaeyoung came nearer to him. She looked at his injury. "What happened?"

"I fell." Came an instant lie out of his mouth.

"You fell? Just like that?" Lisa asked. Jungkook nodded along. He didn't know what else to do. He didn't feel like telling Chaeyoung the whole story. She already looks so concerned and worried about him. "I tripped on the stairs." He said.

"Are you being truthful?" She said while looking at him in the eyes. Jungkook stared back at her with compassion in his eyes. He wanted to hug her and tell her how bad he felt for her. She had to put up with that monster who doesn't care about her feelings. "I am. Don't worry about me." He said, showing her his bunny smile.

Chaeyoung felt a little bit at peace looking at his smile. It's okay right? He's okay. He just tripped. Nothing serious. "Be careful. Don't hurt your pretty face." She said, smiling at him. Jungkook blushed at her comment and looked down embarrassingly. Chaeyoung giggled at his behavior.

"Come Lisa! We have class." She said, pulling Lisa a little bit who was watching the whole thing with a smug smile.

Both girls left, leaving Jungkook alone again. He wanted to scream. He wanted to let off his anger. But he had no option but to pretend nothing happened. The conversation with Chaeyoung did calm him down a bit but he still was furious. He sighed and walked into the building.

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