Chapter 25

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Chaeyoung and Jungkook pulled up in front of their favourite restaurant. They went there on their first date and Chaeyoung fell in love with the food. They took their favourite seats by the window. The view was immensely beautiful from the spot which was great for Jungkook to take lots of beautiful pictures of her with it.

The waiter came up to them and asked for their order. Chaeyoung ordered 4 dishes which was not surprising at all. Jungkook just let her order whatever she wanted. After taking their order, the waiter left. Chaeyoung saw Jungkook staring at her with a smile on his face. "What happened? Is there something on my face?" She asked. Jungkook laughed. "Yes." He said. She put her hands on her face, half hiding it. "Well what is it?" She asked. "Beauty..." He said with a grin. Chaeyoung just gave him a bored look. "Sorry. I don't know why I'm so cheesy." He said quickly, laughing at the same time. She shook her head and smiled at him. "You're such a weirdo. I love it." She said, making him smile wider than ever.

Their food arrived which made Chaeyoung's face light up with happiness. She immediately attacked the dishes. Jungkook really enjoyed to see her eat. She would go mute and just focus on the food. She even told him that he was her second love because food comes first. This girl...

After dinner, they split up the bill and headed out. They arrived at the nearest movie theatre and Jungkook booked two tickets for one of their favourite movies "The Notebook". It was a sad movie, but everytime they watched it together, it made them realise how much they appreciate each other. They waited in the line and got in soon. The seats were in a great spot. Chaeyoung happily sat on the chair waiting for Jungkook to join her with the popcorns, which he soon did. The movie started and everytime a romantic scene would play, Chaeyoung could feel Jungkook's eyes on her. Sometimes they even made eye contact. Jungkook would smirk at her which will cause Chaeyoung to blush and turn her attention back to the movie. The things he does to her...

Halfway through the movie, he slipped his hand around her shoulder,  making her to lean her head on his shoulder. She comfortably rests her head and continues to watch the movie. It was coming to an end. The sad but happy ending. Chaeyoung was already a crying mess. Jungkook also suppressed some sobs and held her more tightly to comfort her and himself.

After the movie, they came back outside and Chaeyoung took a few minutes to calm down. The movie just made her realise how lucky she is to have him in her life and how much she loves him. Jungkook kept holding her close to him by her shoulders. He was so grateful to have her in his life. She genuinely loved him. He would be a fool to let her go or mess up what they have.

"Let's take a walk okay? Maybe you'll feel better. Han River?" He asked. Chaeyoung nodded with her puffy eyes. Jungkook smiled at her and opened the car door for her to get in. He got in himself and started to drive to the riverside. It was their most favourite place to spend time together and whenever they get a chance, they go there.


The sky was the darkest blue and the breeze was cool. Chaeyoung and Jungkook walked together, arms linked with each other, admiring the view and embracing the atmosphere. Wasn't this the place where they first visited together? As friends? It was definitely their lucky place.

"The stars look beautiful tonight. Like you." Jungkook said, causing Chaeyoung to form a pinkish shade on her cheeks. "Thanks." She shyly said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I'm so thankful for this place. It has always been so lucky for me. It gave me peace when I was a child. We came here when we first became friends... Now look at us. I'm just so happy..." He said. She smiled hearing his words and tightened her linked arm with his, pulling him closer to her.

"I don't know why you like me when all I've caused you is pain. But I'm thankful too." She said, resting her head on his shoulder. He stopped his pace and turned her so that she could face him. He held her by her waist and looked her in the eyes. "Baby you have made me so happy. I am smiling because of you. I finally found someone who I can be myself with, without feeling uncomfortable. Don't think you've caused me pain okay?" He said. Chaeyoung smiled and cupped his face. "You also became so cheesy while staying with me. But I love it." She said and kissed him. He responded to her kiss, snaking his hand to the back of her head, deepening the kiss.

After a few seconds, they broke off to breathe. "Shall we get back to my apartment?' Jungkook asked. Chaeyoung shyly smiled and nodded. He smirked at her adorableness and led her to the car so that they can go back to his apartment.

The next morning, Chaeyoung woke up, annoyed at the buzzing phone. She got up and looked at her side to see a sleeping angel. She smiled and took the annoying phone to shut it down. Only she couldn't...

Lisa had sent her a picture of Jungkook and her, kissing near the Han River with a message following it...

Everyone in the college got it! Someone caught you two and mass messaged this picture. I think your secret is out Chaeng...

Chaeyoung could barely believe this. Who even took this? And why did they mass messaged this to everyone? She realised that everyone must've seen this by now. Especially Chanyeol...

Her eyes widened and breathing became faster. She shook Jungkook to wake him up from his realm sleep. He groaned and opened his eyes to see a panicked Chaeyoung.

"What happened Chaeyoung-ah?" He asked, quickly sitting up. She showed him Lisa's message. He was taken aback for sure, but not surprised. "Aren't you panicked??" She asked to see his unexpected reaction. He looked at her and pressed his lips together. "I'm a little taken aback but I'm not surprised Chaeyoung-ah. I mean, you are THE MOST popular girl in our college..." He said. Chaeyoung looked at him with confusion and panic at the same time. "I figured someone will catch us together someday and leak it. Since it's you, no one would want to miss the gossip." He continued carefully, thinking of the right words.

Chaeyoung sighed. Another trouble. And again, it's because of her. She looked down, trying hard not to cry. But Jungkook knew her better than she thought. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head. "It's okay Chaeng. I don't care what anyone will think or how they will treat me. As long as you are with me and trust me, I don't really care about everyone else. I did not care back then. I do not care now. So you don't have to worry." He said. His words sure comforted her as she nuzzled her head in his bare chest.

"Chanyeol..." She started but Jungkook cut her off. "I'll deal with him. He hasn't been able to stop me till now. He won't be able to stop me later too. Because I'm not letting you go easily." He said. He lifted her face. "I'm very stubborn and possessive. You should know that." He said with a smile causing her to chuckle. "I'm fine with that." She said and hugged him back tighter.

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